
Advertising design 1

3 points - 2 studio hours and 4 independent study hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Corequisites: VCO2104 - Elective

Objectives On successful completion of the subject, students should have competence in conceptualising, visualising, copy writing and art direction in the context of advertising; understand and be able to implement research analysis, problem solving, creative teamwork and brief compliance; be able to engage the imagination toward the ingenious connections between certain products (whether goods or services) and the desires of a given market; be ready to consider ethical questions concerning the persuasive powers of advertising.

Synopsis This subject introduces students to the specific skills, demands, practices and opportunities of advertising. Through a series of assigned projects involving press, print, signage and television applications, students explore the parameters, opportunities and constraints of these various contexts. Students are expected to develop basic skills in all areas of advertising including, concept creation, visualisation, copy writing and art direction. The ethics of practice and the moral responsibility of advertising creators are actively discussed and debated.

Assessment Major projects: 60% - Minor projects: 40%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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