
Sculpture studio 6

12 points - 24 hours per week, including 8 studio hours and 16 independent study hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: FNA2603, FNA2604 - Corequisites: None - Core for sculpture major

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should have advanced skills and strategies in creativity and producing personal imagery in a sculptural form; be able to produce a coherent body of work with both high technical standards and credibility in the framework of contemporary critical discourse; achieve a professional presentation and documentation of works in the final submission of their folio; have a professional attitude and capability in workshop/studio practice; have the skills and understanding necessary to form the basis of a career in the arts.

Synopsis This subject is the culmination of the undergraduate program. Lecturers encourage self-motivation, self appraisal and professional responsibility that is required by the practising artist. Group sessions are convened where an exacting, fluent and constructive exchange of students' opinions is sought. This also provides a focus for discussion of the suitable presentation of students' work in the final folio submission and beyond.

Assessment Folio (including an initial project of not less than 20%): 100%

Recommended texts

Archer M Installation art Thames and Hudson, 1994
Mills J Encyclopedia of sculpture techniques 1990
Schmeller V Sculpture eighty Eighty Publications, 1990
Senie H Contemporary public sculpture: Tradition, transformation and controversy OUP, 1992

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