
Sculpture studio 4

12 points - 24 hours per week, including 9 studio hours and 15 independent study hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: FNA1601 and FNA1602 - Corequisites: None - Core for sculpture major

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should be familiar with and have an advanced understanding of contemporary theoretical and practical issues in sculpture; have an innovative approach to their work and an ability to experiment with and analyse the conceptual potential of 3D image-making; recognise aspects of their work worthy of forming a personal direction within the discipline; manifest this direction in the work produced; continue to practise safe workshop procedures.

Synopsis Studio practice is a continuation and extension of the skills and capabilities developed in the previous semester with special emphasis on developing students' individual direction and interests. Some projects are set but students are encouraged to engage in self-motivated tasks of their own invention. By this stage students' work should be conceptually and technically sophisticated and they should be capable of speaking critically about their work.

Assessment Folio (including an initial project of not less than 20%): 100%

Recommended texts

Burmann J Beyond modern sculpture Brazilier, 1973
Kelly J J The sculptural idea 3rd edn, Burgess, 1981
Mills J Encyclopedia of sculpture techniques Batsford, 1967
Verhelst W Sculpture: Tools, materials and techniques 1973
Oakes B Sculpting with the environment 1995

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