
Imaging for multimedia

3 points - 6 hours per week including 2 studio hours and 4 independent study hours - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: None - Corequisites: DIS1102 - Offered as an elective to all students

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should be able to undertake projects that focus on either multimedia publishing, digital video and audio production, on-line publishing or 3D design and animation; familiar with colour mode and resolution requirements for a variety of electronic media; aware of a variety of file formats, their use and benefits and compression options; able to optimise an image/ graphic file for a particular medium.

Synopsis This unit equips students with the necessary foundation skills and knowledge to create and produce work for a variety of electronic publishing media, ie WWW, Video, CD ROM. In particular, file formats, colour modes, image resolution and bit depth, and preparation of images for particular purposes are covered. Motion graphics, and animation of 2D images may also be covered. The course will be delivered through small group sessions of fifteen students per group.

Assessment Exercises: 70% - Project work: 15% - Journal: 15%

Recommended texts

Bowen D Multimedia now and down the line Bowerdean Publishing, 1994
Collin S M H (ed.) Dictionary of multimedia Peter Collin Publishing, 1995
Multimedia demystified: A guide to the world of multimedia Apple Computer Inc, Multimedia Business Development Group
Tway L Multimedia in action Academic Press, 1995

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