
Systems design and implementation

H Linger

6 points
* 4 hours per week
* First, second semester
* Caulfield
* Corequisites: SYS7500

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should know about the activities and management of the systems design, implementation and maintenance phases of the systems development cycle with particular emphasis on quality issues and processes; understand the role of users in a quality approach to the design and maintenance of an information system and the need to manage this process; be able to use appropriate methods and techniques to design and implement useable information systems that are easily maintainable; and appreciate the impact of the design and implementation of an information system upon users and the organisation to be recognised.

Synopsis The subject deals with design methods and techniques for the construction of quality information systems with emphasis on designing for on-going maintenance of the system. The design of information systems is placed in the context of the development process, which needs to be controlled and managed to produce high-quality systems that are accessible and useable. The subject examines a range of aspects of systems design including systems architecture, interface design, system documentation, testing and training. Students are introduced to concepts, methods and techniques for quality assurance in design and implementation, and metrics that are necessary to manage that process.

Assessment Examination: 50%
* Practical work: 50%

Recommended texts

Fenton N E Software metrics: A rigorous approach Chapman and Hall, 1991
Herlander M (ed) Handbook of human-computer interaction North-Holland, 1988
Humphrey W S Managing the software process Addison-Wesley, 1990
Page-Jones M The practical guide to structured systems design Yourdon Press, 1989
Pfleeger S L Software engineering: The production of quality software Macmillan, 1991
Whitten J L and others Systems analysis and design methods 3rd edn, Irwin, 1994
Hoffer J A, George J F and Valacich Modern systems analysis and design Benjamin Cummings, 1996

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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