
Windows programming in C++

A Cheng

6 points
* 3 hours per week
* Second semester
* Caulfield
* Prerequisites: SFT3000 or equivalent

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should be confident in producing software using event-based programming in an industry relevant object-oriented langugage; understand the component object model and know how to use the services provided by this model and OLE; have mastered Windows programming; understand relevant design patterns in Windows programming, like the model/view/controller mechanism; and appreciate the evolutionary nature of current Windowing environments.

Synopsis This subject investigates the design and implementation of the Windows `event-based programming' model and provides practical experience in using this model and the services facilities offered by the component object model and OLE. Topics covered will be event-based programming, windowing systems, the component object model, OLE, class library design and use, Windows resources, dynamic link libraries and patterns for event-based programming.

Assessment Examinations and unit test: 60%
* Practical work: 40%

Recommended texts

Booch G Object-oriented analysis and design with applications Benjamin Cummings, 1994
Brockschmidt K Inside OLE2 Microsoft, 1994
Ellis M and Stroustrup B The annotated C++ reference manual Addison-Wesley, 1990
Microsoft Inc. OLE2 Programmers reference vols 1 and 2, Microsoft
Rumbaugh and others Object-oriented modelling and design Prentice-Hall, 1991
Spencer I Teach yourself OWL in 21 days SAMS, 1995

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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