
Australian booktrade history

W Kirsop

8 points
* 2 hours per week
* First semester
* Clayton

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand the ways in which booktrade historians are now investigating the transmission of the written and printed word in colonial and contemporary Australia. They should also be aware of how the Australian experience fits into the wider English-speaking world of the last two centuries.

Synopsis A study of the problems and methods of booktrade history as it has developed over the past two decades, with special emphasis on the colonial booktrade, notably that of Australia.

Assessment Two class papers (1500 words each): 50%
* Essay (5000 words): 50%

Recommended texts

Borchardt D H and Kirsop W (eds) The book in Australia Australian Reference Publications, 1988
Gaskell P A new introduction to bibliography St Paul's, 1995

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