
Bibliographic organisation in automated environments

H M Yee

4 points
* 3 hours per week
* Second semester
* Clayton
* Prerequisite: LAR4070

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should be able to demonstrate competence in the use of the Australian Bibliographic Network for inquiry and input/edit operations, be familar with the most important concepts of library networking at the Australian and international levels, and be aware of the historical background of library networking.

Synopsis This subject examines the place of computerisation in bibliographic organisation in libraries. The seminars introduce students to concepts relating to networks. Examples of major networks and bibliographic utilities are described and assessed. Particular attention is paid to Australian networks. On-line subject access to library materials receives special notice. The practical sessions concentrate on instruction in how to use the Australian Bibliographic Network and on on-line indexing and thesaurus construction. LAR4070 is a prerequisite for this subject. Both must normally be taken in the same year.

Assessment Major project: 30%
* Essay: 20%
* Participation in practical sessions: 20%
* Seminar contributions: 30%

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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