
Electronic data interchange and internet commerce

G Lu

6 points
* Second semester
* Gippsland and distance

Objectives On completion of this subject students will be able to explain main concepts, issues and technologies involved in EDI and Internet commerce.

Synopsis this subject emphasises the technological aspects of EDI and Internet commerce. Topics include overview of EDI and Internet commerce, cryptography, EDI Standards, data communication and VANs, EDI software, security, legal and audit issues of EDI, the EDI implementation process and application integration, EDI over the Internet, credit card-based Internet commerce, digital money, and new opportunities, issues and development in Internet commerce.

Assessment Assignments (two) 50%
* Examination 50%

Prescribed texts

Stallings W Network and internetwork security Prentice-Hall 1995
Lynch D C and Lundquist L Digital money: The new era of Internet commerce Wiley, 1996

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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