
Honours applied research project

Project supervisor to be selected by student

12 points
* Gippsland
* On-campus only in 1998 and both on-campus and distance education from 1999
* Prohibition: GCO4500

Objectives On completion of the subject students will have acquired in-depth knowledge in the area of a chosen project; developed research skills including skills in identifying problems, carrying out a literature survey, identifying potential solutions, implementing and testing solutions, and publishing project findings and results; developed their ability to effectively communicate technical information, both through oral presentations and through written communication.

Synopsis Students select an applied research project, which may involve the solution of a practical problem found in the student's work place. Each student undertakes a literature survey in the area of his/her chosen project and identifies potential solutions to the problems stated in the project. The student writes a preliminary report and gives a seminar which describes the project background, proposed solutions and plans to implement and test the solutions. The next major phase of the project is to implement and test the solutions to the identified problems. The final phase is to write a thesis or report of 7000 to 15,000 words and give a final presentation on the project.

Assessment Preliminary report: 10%
* First oral presentation: 10%
* Final thesis of 7000 to 15,000 words: 60%
* Final oral presentation: 20%
* Successful completion of this subject will be contingent on the student demonstrating a satisfactory level of performance in each element of the assessment.

Prescribed texts

A general guide on carrying out each phase of the project will be provided. The project supervisor will provide students with an initial reading list depending on the projects. Students are required to search for and read more publications in the area of their projects.

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Published by Monash University, Australia
Maintained by wwwdev@monash.edu.au
Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
Copyright © Monash University 1997 - All Rights Reserved - Caution