
Research methods and reading in information technology

R Bignall

6 points
* 4 hours per week
* First semester
* Gippsland and distance

Objectives On completion of this subject students will have developed comprehensive knowledge about sources of information for computing and information technology researcher, including library-based and on-line sources; aquired the skills needed to locate relevant information in the technical literature; developed facility in the use of tools to support the publication of research; further developed their ability to effectively communicate technical information, both through oral presentations and through written communication; practised the skills required to read, understand and explain technical information in research publications.

Synopsis The subject provides a foundation in the skills necessary to conduct research. Students conduct a literature search on a selected topic of current interest in information technology and write literature review. The topic is researched in further depth, and a technical report and seminar paper are prepared. In addition, students read and discuss a series of research papers or extracts from other research areas. In the course of these activities, they become familiar with presentation and publication standards, including on-line publication.

Assessment Bibliography: 10%
* Literature survey: 20%
* Seminar presentation: 15%
* Technical report: 35%
* Presentation: 20%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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Published by Monash University, Australia
Maintained by wwwdev@monash.edu.au
Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
Copyright © Monash University 1997 - All Rights Reserved - Caution