
Computing project

J Hewson

6 points
* 2 hours per week
* Full-year
* Gippsland and distance
* Prerequisites: Completion of all first-level subjects in the associate diploma
* Not available to Bachelor of Computing students

Objectives Students completing this subject should be able to work with clients and communicate effectively with them, define a problem, and gather data, facts, opinions and information needed to solve it; outline and evaluate alternative solutions to a system development problem and perform a feasibility study including estimates of costs, time requirements, plan for the development, and the benefits expected from the system including identifying hardware and software requirements for a system; document a system design, including system flow charts, data flow diagrams and software design; implement a system, including testing, checking and debugging; and evaluate a system, identifying any weaknesses or possible enhancements as a result of experience in developing it.

Synopsis Each student will select a suitable project approved by the subject adviser, involving systems analysis and design, programming, and implementation of a solution to user problems. Students may work independently or in groups under a supervising staff member. Requirements include oral presentation of work together with written reports on a feasibility study, systems analysis, design specifications, programming, implementation and evaluation. For students on campus, there will be weekly meetings with their academic supervisor, fellow project team members, system-user representatives or some combination of these. Formal presentations for reporting and assessment purposes will be required. For distance education students, attendance at weekend schools for presentations will be required unless satisfactory alternatives can be arranged between supervisor and system users.

Assessment Practical work: 100%
* Assessment is based on project reports, documents and other project deliverables, two presentations and the project supervisor's report.

Prescribed texts

Texts from GCO1813 and GCO2813 can be used.

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Published by Monash University, Australia
Maintained by wwwdev@monash.edu.au
Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
Copyright © Monash University 1997 - All Rights Reserved - Caution