
Object-oriented analysis and design

B J Ware

6 points
* 4 hours per week
* Second semester
* Gippsland and distance
* Prerequisite: GCO2813
* Prohibitions: SYS3090, SYS3094

Objectives On satisfactory completion of this subject, students will be able to discuss the object-oriented paradigm in systems analysis and design; understand and apply the fundamental concepts of the object-oriented approach; understand and apply the processes and techniques of abstraction and the notation to support the various abstraction constructs; apply problem-solving techniques at different levels of abstraction and understand the effect this may have on a system specification; analyse a complex information system and develop detailed an appropriate models using appropriate techniques; appreciate the applicability and limitations of using particular approaches and techniques to specific problem areas; and be aware of the ongoing development of concepts and techniques within the academic and practitioner communities.

Synopsis This subject offers students a coverage of the object-oriented approach to systems analysis and design. The following topics will be addressed: object-oriented concepts, abstraction and modelling; object modelling - identification, classification, association, generalisation and aggregation, inheritance, meta-data and notation for object modelling; dynamic modelling - state transition diagrams and object lifecycles; object-oriented development methodologies - object modelling, object-oriented analysis, object oriented design; object communication models; and integration of models.

Assessment Assignments: 55%
* Examination (3 hours): 45%

Prescribed texts

Rumbaugh J and others Object-oriented modelling and design Prentice-Hall, 1991

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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