
Programming languages and implementation

4 points
* Two 1-hour lectures per week
* First semester
* Clayton
* Prerequisites: CSC2030, CSC2040 and CSC2050
* Corequisite: one of CSC2940/CSC3940 (Lisp programming)
or CSC2930/CSC3930 (Prolog programming) or equivalent
* Prohibitions: CFR3160, SFT2207, SFT 3207

Objectives On completion of the subject, students will understand the features, implementation techniques, formal systems and software packages important in the specification and implementation of programming languages. They will have knowledge of the requirements, language features and suitability of various programming paradigms and languages in terms of problem solving, translation, execution and computer architecture.

Synopsis This subject covers the four main programming language paradigms: imperative, functional, logic and object oriented. Example languages and their applications will be discussed. The implementation of programming languages by means of interpreters and translators will be discussed. This will include parsing techniques, compiler construction and implementation techniques for language features which are paradigm specific. There will be practical work involving one or more realistic language implementations.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70%
* Practical work: 30%

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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