
Interactive multimedia design

A Ellis

6 points ù 4 hours per weekù Second semesterù Peninsula
* Prerequisites:
CFR1124 or equivalent, and experience with use of microcomputer systems

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should be able to apply learning models and instructional design principles to the design of interactive multimedia applications; use appropriate multimedia design tools in the creation of a multimedia application; use different media effectively in the creation of a multimedia application; evaluate an interactive multimedia application using appropriate evaluation protocols and techniques; and design and produce a prototype of an interactive multimedia application.

Synopsis The design of successful multimedia applications relies, not only on an understanding of the use of multimedia authoring software and the technology of the multimedia forms such as sound, graphics or video, but also on a sound conceptual understanding of instructional design theory, cognitive and pedagogical issues related to the application, and an understanding of the psychology of using a particular multimedia form. The subject looks at a brief history of the development of multimedia applications, instructional design theory and its relationship to interactive multimedia applications, cognitive and pedagogical issues concerned with multimedia design, the multimedia development lifecycle, multimedia design_tools (ie storyboards, object-hierarchy diagrams), the technology and psychology of the multimedia forms (ie text, graphics, pictures, sound, animation and video), and an overview of the evaluation of multimedia applications.

Assessment Practical work: 70%
* An evaluation report of a multimedia application: 15%
* A research review: 15%

Recommended texts

Cohen L S, Brown R and Wendling T Imaging essentials: Professional studio techniques Adobe Press, 1993
Dijkstra S, Krammer H P M and van Merrienboer J J G (eds) Instructional models in computer-based learning environments Springer-Verlag, 1992
Laurel B (ed.) The art of human-computer interface design Addison-Wesley, 1990
Luther A C Designing interactive multimedia Bantam, 1992
Merrill M D (ed.) Instructional design: Readings Prentice-Hall, 1971
Murray J D and vanRyper W Encyclopedia of graphics file formats O'Reilly, 1994
Nix D and Spiro R (ed.) Cognition, education, and multimedia: Exploring ideas in high technology Erlbaum, 1990
Norman D A The design of everyday things Doubleday, 1990
Tufte E R Envisioning information 3rd edn, Graphics Press, 1993

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