
Algorithm design and analysis

Not offered in 1998

J Han

6 points
* 4 hours per week
* First, summer semester
* Peninsula
* Prerequisites: CFR1124 or CFR2121 or equivalent
* Prohibitions: SFT3301

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should know about a wide range of algorithms for solving typical problems and be able to design new algorithms for given problems; be able to use advanced data structures in solving problems involved in the development of computer applications; and be able to select efficient algorithms appropriate to given problems in order to deliver quality software products.

Synopsis This subject aims to equip students with the ability to develop and select appropriate algorithms to solve various types of problems and to use sophisticated data structures. Topics include: advanced data structures such as hash tables, trees, graphs and heaps; typical algorithms for (internal and external) searching and sorting; algorithm design techniques such as divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy method, backtracking, approximation, and recursive descent; algorithm analysis - time and space efficiency of algorithms, comparison of algorithms.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 50%
* Practical work: 50%

Prescribed texts

Sedgewick R Algorithms in C Addison-Wesley, 1990

Recommended texts

Aho A V and others Data structures and algorithms Addison-Wesley, 1983
Weiss M A Data structures and algorithm analysis in C Benjamin Cummings, 1993

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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