
System development using CASE

P Steele

6 points
* 4 hours per week
* First, summer semester
* Peninsula
* Prerequisites: CFR2126 or CFR2161
* Prohibitions: SYS3040, SYS3044

Objectives By completing this subject students should know how CASE tools may be used to effectively support the development of information systems and be able to use CASE tools successfully; understand data, process and behaviour modelling techniques and be able to use CASE tools to develop an application using an integrated set of modelling techniques and diagram types; and be able to use CASE tools to generate code directly from application models and to understand the process.
Synopsis An information engineering approach to system development. Integrated CASE and software support for the system development life cycle. The role of the information repository. Modelling techniques and diagram types used to represent application models. Relationships between diagram types. CASE tool support for business area analysis, business systems design, technical design, construction, transition, production and maintenance. Model management, repository management, version control and configuration management issues.

Assessment Examinations: 50%
* Practical work: 50%

Prescribed texts

Texas Instruments IEF technical description, methodology and technical overview Texas Instruments Part 2739900-8120, 1992

Recommended texts

McClure C CASE is software automation Prentice-Hall, 1989

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Approved by M Rambert, Faculty of Information Technology
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