
Advertising principles and practice

Paul Gaskin

6 points
* One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week
* Second semester
* Berwick
* Prerequisites: MKB1401 or MKX1120 or concurrent enrolment and satisfactory progress in Associate Diploma of Business (Marketing) at Casey Institute of TAFE.

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to identify the need for advertising; understand the role of creativity; identify methods to establish a budget; understand processes and practice of television, radio and print production; understand the principles of ethical behaviour in advertising.

Synopsis The institutions of advertising - advertising agencies, their clients and the media. The uses of the media of advertising - television, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor, cinema, etc. The economics of advertising. The planning of advertising - from marketing strategy to advertising strategy. Establishing advertising objectives. Budgeting for advertising. Advertising creativity - message strategy. Criteria and processes for evaluating creative success or failure. Production concepts for television, radio, print. Retail advertising. Social and ethical issues in advertising.

Assessment: Written (3000 words): 30%
* Team project: 20%
* Examination (2 hours): 50%

Recommended texts

Belch G E and Belch M A Introduction to advertising and promotion 3rd edn, Irwin, 1994

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