
Work and technology

Offered subject to approval

Harry Ballis

8 points
* Equivalent to 3 hours per week
* Gippsland and distance
* Prerequisites: Two second-level sociology subjects

Objectives As for GSC2204 with the additional objective of developing a theoretical understanding of issues relating to work and technology.

Synopsis As for GSC2204.

Assessment Two assignments (1800 words each): 30% each
* Either an examination or research report (2400 words): 40%
* All students must complete the introductory assignment
* By arrangement with the subject advisers, students have the option of completing up to 40% of the assessment with a two-hour written examination
* Students doing the subject at third-year level will be required to build on sociological perspectives to develop and apply their theoretical understanding in the assignments

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Approved by C Jordon, Faculty of Arts
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