
Sports psychology

Ms Dianne Vella-Brodrick

8 points (6 points for students who commenced from 1994)
* One 1-hour lecture, one 1-hour tutorial, One 2-hour workshop per week
* Second semester
* Caulfield
* Prerequisites: APY2020

Objectives On the completion of this subject students should understand appropriate theoretical perspectives used in the study of sporting behaviour; understand the measures and techniques used in sport psychology; have encountered specialist topics including children in sport and the role of women in sport.

Synopsis Principles of sports psychology: a general introduction to the field. Theoretical approaches to the study of sports psychology. Motivation, arousal, aggression, anxiety and personality variables as applied to the athlete. The role of perceptual-motor skills in sports psychology. Techniques used to improve performance. The sporting group; cooperation, cohesion and satisfaction.

Assessment Two tests: 50%
* One tutorial: 25%
* One research project: 25%

Prescribed texts

Wann DL Sport psychology Prentice-Hall, 1997

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Approved by C Jordon, Faculty of Arts
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