You begin by submitting your application through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC), or if the course is not offered through VTAC you submit an application for direct entry form, which you collect from and return to the appropriate faculty office.
All forms to be returned to the Gippsland campus should be directed to Student Administration, Gippsland.
You accept an offered place by attending at the time and place noted on your letter of offer. VTAC students please note that if you receive a second course offer you must withdraw, in writing, from your first course.
When you attend you must obtain faculty approval for the subjects that you wish to study, and you submit a completed part A enrolment form, a completed part B enrolment form (DEETYA questionnaire), a completed HECS payment option form, and (if necessary) your tax file number.
A student identity card will be issued to you.
Your enrolment is completed by the payment of any fees required.
Note that if you do not complete all enrolment requirements, your enrolment will be invalidated.
You begin by submitting an International student application for admission form direct to Monash International (MI) or, if you are a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) student or have completed the International Baccalaureate in Victoria, you submit your application through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) .
Procedures are set out in detail in the Distance Education Courses handbook.
There is a mid-year intake into some courses. The closing date is usually in early June: further information is available from the appropriate faculty office.
You complete an application for direct entry form, which you collect from and return to the appropriate faculty office.
There is a mid-year intake into some courses. The closing date is usually in early June: further information is available from Monash International.
You complete an international student application for admission form, which you obtain from and return to MI.
There is a mid-year intake into some courses. The closing date is usually in early June. Further information is available from the Course Inquiries Centre at the Gippsland campus.
At the time of your first enrolment you are issued with a student identity card that is used in different situations to identify you as a bona fide student member of the university. For example, it allows you to borrow books from the library, use the Computer Centre facilities, and obtain travel and other concessions.
Berwick and Gippsland campus students and distance education students are issued with a new card annually.
You must bring the card with you to all timetabled examinations.
Your student identity number is also issued at the time of your first enrolment: the same number must be used each time that you enrol to ensure continuity of your record, even if it is some years since your last enrolment.
If you lose your student identity card, a replacement card is available from Student Services for $10: you must also report the loss to the library to prevent anyone else from using it to borrow books, and thereby incurring debts in your name.
The card remains the property of the university, and must be surrendered when you discontinue, take leave of absence or complete your course. It is not transferable.
A proxy is someone who, with your written authority, attends on your behalf and completes as much as is possible of the enrolment or pre-enrolment process: a friend or relation, for instance, can act as your proxy. You should give your proxy a signed list of the subjects that you want to take and ask your proxy to keep for you any papers or documents given out during the process.
By having a proxy you avoid having to apply for late re-enrolment and so avoid the late re-enrolment fee.
Your proxy, with your written authority, can sign your HECS form, your part B form and your enrolment form, but it is your responsibility to ensure that all details are correct and that all enrolment requirements have been met.
Your proxy will be given a letter specifying the date on which you must attend in person to complete any unfinished business.
The policy of the university is to grant a one-year deferment on request. If you wish to defer, you must attend for enrolment according to the details specified in the letter of offer, or apply in writing prior to the conclusion of the nominated enrolment time.
If you are an international student you will normally apply by letter while you are still overseas.
Gippsland students who have deferred will be asked to pre-enrol in the September preceding the year of commencement.
If you fail to enrol at the time specified in your letter of offer, you are held to have declined the offer of a place.
If you are a local candidate for the degree of PhD or master by research, you are allowed up to one month from the date of offer to complete the administrative process of enrolment.
If you are an international candidate for the degree of PhD or master by research, you are allowed up to six months from the date of offer to complete the administrative process of enrolment.
The university accepts the seven credit transfer principles adopted by the Australian Vice-Chancellor's Committee. For information on individual faculty arrangements on credit transfer please refer to the faculty handbooks.
If you feel that you should not have to complete the full award course requirements because of academic work that you have done prior to your present enrolment, you should apply for exemption from either individual subjects or from an entire academic year of your course. You should make the application as soon as possible, so that you avoid being required to enrol in a subject that you may already have done in an equivalent form, and so that you observe the deadlines for HECS liability.
An application for credit transfer form is available at your faculty office. Your application must be accompanied by the subject outlines and certified copies of the results for each of the subjects for which you are applying for credit or exemption. You may be granted exemption with credit (counting towards your award) or without credit (exemption from the subject without counting towards your award).
You may be permitted to attempt single subjects if there are places available after the allocation of places in award courses. Students wishing to enrol for single subjects need to lodge a new application form by the closing date for each semester. Permission to attempt single subject study is granted for specific subjects, and for one semester only (unless the subject is for the full year). You are permitted entry into one or more subjects without being selected for entry to a course. You must check the relevant faculty handbook for any subject prerequisites.
You complete an application for single subject enrolment form, which you obtain from and return to the appropriate faculty office.
A separate fee is charged for each subject. The fee is completely refundable if you withdraw from a subject before the HECS census date: there is no refund if you remain enrolled in a subject after the census date. Any application for a refund must be made in writing to the manager, Fees Section, Clayton.
If you are currently enrolled and you expect to study in the following academic year, and your faculty conducts a pre-enrolment, you should pre-enrol in October on the assumption that you will pass the subjects in which you are currently enrolled. Procedures differ from faculty to faculty: you will be advised in writing of the procedure to follow. You should plan to pre-enrol for the summer semester (if applicable) and for the first and second semesters of the following year.
If you have pre-enrolled, and you pass all your subjects for this year, and you do not intend to change any part of your course for next year, you need do nothing further to confirm your pre-enrolment in your faculty.
If you have failed any subject, or you have changed your mind about your course, or you are in a faculty that did not conduct a pre-enrolment, you will need to re-enrol in your faculty, and you may need to see your faculty subject adviser.
Whether you pre-enrol or re-enrol, you will be notified in writing of the time and the place.
You must also complete and submit the part A enrolment form, the part B enrolment form and a HECS payment option form if you want to change your payment option from what it was last semester.
You must pay any fees required.
You must pay any health care charges at the Monash International office and produce the receipt when you finalise re-enrolment. All other procedures are as for local students.
If you are a candidate for the degree of PhD or master by research, you must re-enrol each year until you satisfy the requirements for your degree. If you are invited to revise and re-submit your thesis after the scheduled re-enrolment date, you should re-enrol for the period of your revision. Re-enrolment details will be mailed to you in October.
If you fail to re-enrol on the specified day, you may be permitted by your faculty to re-enrol on a nominated late enrolment day after payment of a fine of $70. The deadline and fine apply also to candidates for the degrees of PhD and master by research.
If you have been granted a supplementary or special examination, or if you have been referred to an interview with an exclusion committee, you should provisionally re-enrol in December, and then amend your enrolment according to the outcome of the examination or the interview, using normal procedures for change of subjects.
Distance education students and all Gippsland campus students will normally complete re-enrolment procedures by mail.
At the time of your first enrolment at Monash you are issued with a student identification card that is used to identify you as a student of the university. Each year in January, after you have completed your re-enrolment requirements for the new year, you will receive a package containing your enrolment details and fees advice form, a copy of the Student information handbook, a diary voucher, and an ID validation sticker that is to be signed by you and adhered to the reverse of your ID card to validate it for the new year. If you do not receive this package, or if your validation sticker is missing, please contact Student Services on your home campus.
Summer semester enrolment is available in some faculties: the teaching period varies between three and twelve weeks. You can discuss the availability of subjects with your faculty office, and pre-enrol as required by your faculty. The fee assessment for the summer semester subjects will occur with your first semester assessment in the following January, as the summer semester is considered to be part of the forthcoming academic year.
If you are returning to study after an approved leave of absence, or taking up your course after an approved deferment, you will be notified by mail of the enrolment arrangements.
If you fail to re-enrol on the specified day or on the late re-enrolment day, you are held to be no longer enrolled, and you forfeit your place in the university. If you are a candidate for the degree of PhD or master by research and you fail to re-enrol by the specified date, your candidature will be discontinued.
Your enrolment is complete only when you have paid your fees and complied with the administrative requirements outlined to you at enrolment or re-enrolment. This includes lodging a part B enrolment form (DEETYA questionnaire) every year of your course, and a HECS payment option form when you begin your course. If your enrolment is incomplete, it may be declared invalid and you will not be able to pursue your studies in the relevant semester or year.
In exceptional circumstances the university may agree to reinstate a student whose enrolment has been invalidated: there is a fee of $125 for such reinstatement. Invalidation halts all graduation procedures.
If you are an international student and your enrolment is invalidated, you must return to your home country.
If you have any outstanding debts to the university, you are not permitted to re-enrol, and your application to graduate cannot be accepted. See also the section `Fees' elsewhere in this handbook.
We mail you a confirmation of enrolment and HECS advice form that records the details of your enrolment and your HECS liability after each HECS census date: 31 March for the first semester; 31 August for the second semester. Summer semester details and HECS liability will be included in the first semester notification.
You must check the details and report any errors to Student Services by 28 April for the summer and first semester, by 26 September for the second semester. You will incur a fine of $50 if the dispute is made after these dates. If you leave a discrepancy undisputed, the Australian Taxation Office will be given incorrect information that may cost you money. If the details are accurate, you need do nothing. If you have not received the form a week before the due date, you should call at Student Services for a duplicate, and at the same time confirm that we have your correct mailing address.
When you are admitted, you undertake a course of subjects according to the structure specified in your faculty handbook. The policies for the duration of award courses are outlined in the faculty handbooks. When there is a change in the award regulations, it is usually so constructed that students already enrolled may comply either with the old regulations or the new, according to whichever are more advantageous.
If you are granted deferment of an offer, you will undertake a course of subjects according to the structure specified in the faculty handbook of the year in which you take up your place. The provisions outlined in the preceding paragraph will apply.
If you are readmitted after an unauthorised break in study, or after a period of exclusion for misconduct or unsatisfactory academic performance, you will be regarded as a new student, and you will undertake a course of subjects according to the structure specified in the faculty handbook of the year in which you are readmitted. Credit for work previously completed may be granted subject to approval by the relevant course authority.
Complete a subject enrolment amendment form from Student Services or your faculty office, and return it to your faculty office.
If you add or drop a subject in the first two weeks of the semester there is no academic or financial penalty.
With the approval of your faculty, and upon payment of a fine of $50 for a late addition of a subject, you may add a subject later than two weeks into the semester.
You may withdraw from a subject from the third week to the first day of the tenth week of the semester, but the subject will show on your academic record as `discontinued' with the date of discontinuation, and you will be assessed amenities fees for the subject.
A withdrawal made after the first day of the tenth week of the semester will show as a `fail'.
For withdrawal dates for Medicine years four to six and the graduate diplomas in education, see the `Principal dates' section of this handbook.
If you have a HECS liability, you are subject to a HECS assessment for every first-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 March, and every second-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 August. A full-year subject is assessed for HECS in two equal instalments: one on each of the above dates. A summer-semester subject is assessed on the first day of class (or two weeks later, if the subject is taught for six weeks or more).
If you are paying full fees, there is no refund payable in respect of any first-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 March, any second-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 August, or any full-year subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 March A summer-semester subject is assessed on the first day of class (or two weeks later, depending on the length of the course).
If you are an international student, you should note that the course fee stated in your offer letter is for 100 per cent enrolment: that is, for a normal full-time enrolment. Any variation above or below that level will produce a corresponding variation in the fees: for example, 120 per cent enrolment requires 120 per cent course fees. The full fee is charged for a subject that is repeated.
Gippsland campus students and distance education students should return subject enrolment amendment forms to Student Administration, Gippsland.
For detailed information about dates relevant to this section, see the section `Principal dates' elsewhere in this handbook.
If circumstances require the cancellation of classes, you will be notified within two weeks of the start of the subject. Where possible, you will be permitted to add alternative classes or subjects. If you withdraw from a course because of cancellation of classes, a full refund of fees will be made, and you will not be liable for any administrative fees.
If you are currently enrolled, you complete an application for leave of absence/intermission form from your faculty office, and return the form to your faculty office.
Pharmacy students seeking leave of absence should see the registrar, ground floor, Sissons building, Parkville.
You are regarded as being currently enrolled up to and including the scheduled enrolment/re-enrolment date for the following year. After this date you must enrol and pay all fees, including late fees, before an application for leave of absence can be considered.
Leave of absence is normally granted for no more than one calendar year (two consecutive semesters). Any extension of this time can be granted only by your faculty board.
If you are a candidate for the degree of PhD or master by research, you may apply for intermission of studies: conditions vary from course to course. PhD candidates should inquire at the Research Training and Support Branch: candidates for the degree of master by research should consult the postgraduate adviser in their faculty.
If you are an international student and you have been granted leave of absence or intermission, you must return to your home country.
If you are currently enrolled in a course within the university, and wish to study a different course in the following year, you must complete an internal transfer application form which is available from faculty offices and return it to the office of the faculty that offers the course in which you wish to enrol. Applications for course transfer are considered at the same time as those for new applicants.
Pending the outcome of your application you should re-enrol in your current course. If your application is accepted, you must complete a new part A enrolment form, part B enrolment form and HECS payment option form, and you must arrange to discontinue your old award course.
If you are successful in your application to study a different course in the following year, your enrolment in that course will be subject to whatever fees and conditions apply to that course when you enrol in it.
Contact your faculty office if you wish to apply to change from one campus to another.
Cross-institutional course enrolment
If you are a student at another tertiary institution and you want to study at Monash University for credit towards your course at your home institution, you must complete an application for cross-institutional study form, which you obtain from and return to the appropriate Monash University faculty office. With the form you submit a letter of permission from your home institution's registrar (or other appropriate officer).
If you wish to study by distance education, you must complete an application for admission which you obtain from the Course Inquiries Centre at the Gippsland campus.
If you are admitted, you must enrol at both institutions, and you must complete HECS payment option forms at both institutions. You will pay amenities fees (or union fees) at your home institution, but your HECS liability for each subject is charged by the institution at which the subject is taught. Any course fees for which you are liable will also be assessed in the institution at which the subject is taught.
Cross-institutional subject enrolment (complementary subject enrolment)
If you are a student at Monash University and want to enrol in a subject at another tertiary institution for credit towards your Monash award, you must complete an application for complementary subject enrolment form, which you obtain from and return to your faculty office. If your application is approved, the faculty registrar writes to advise the other institution of the approval.
If you are admitted, you must enrol at both institutions, and you must complete HECS payment option forms at both institutions. You will pay amenities fees at your home institution, but your HECS liability for each subject is charged by the institution at which the subject is taught. Any course fees for which you are liable will also be assessed in the institution at which the subject is taught.
You must request a formal academic transcript from the other institution, and present your results from the other institution so that your home faculty may record the credit. Any credit that you receive will not show on a Monash University transcript as other than `complementary subject - satisfactory', or as a `credit' or `exemption', because we cannot list in our records the grades and subjects of another institution.
Complete a variation to personal details form from Student Services if you have officially changed your name, and return the form to Student Services. A change of name must be accompanied by appropriate documentary evidence (for example, a marriage certificate or a change-of-name registration).
Pharmacy students should submit changes of name in writing, with appropriate documentary evidence, to the registrar's office, ground floor, Sissons building, Parkville campus.
Complete a variation to personal details form from Student Services or your faculty office as soon as you change your address, and return the form to Student Services or your faculty office.
Pharmacy students should complete a change of address form which is available from reception, ground floor, Sissons building, Parkville campus.
If you are a scholarship holder, you must also notify the Research, Training and Support Branch.
The university does not accept responsibility if an official communication fails to reach you because you have not notified Student Services of a change of mailing address.
If you are granted permanent residency in Australia after you have accepted an offer of admission, but before the start of the course, the offer of admission as an international student will be withdrawn, and you will be considered as a local resident for a place in the course.
Your admission as a local student depends on whether a place is available in the course at the time when the application is being considered: if your change of status occurs close to the starting time of a course you may very well find that there are no places left in the course. It is therefore important that, if as a prospective student you lodge an application for permanent residency, you should at the same time apply through VTAC for admission.
If you are granted permanent residency after the HECS census date of a semester in any year, you will be expected to remain a full-fee-paying student for the semester in which your change of status occurs. If the change occurs (and if proof of the change of status is provided) after the start of teaching in any semester, but before the census date, you will have the status of a local student, and you will have a HECS liability. In this event, fees that you have paid in advance will be refunded in full.
Certain conditions may limit the right of a student to transfer from an international student status to an Australian permanent resident status: advice should be sought from Monash International.
If you are granted permanent residency while you are a student in the Faculty of Medicine, you will be required to undergo a selection process to determine whether you will be permitted to continue in your course as a local student. Selection is highly competitive, and your success is by no means assured.
If you wish to withdraw from all subjects and end your enrolment in your course, you must complete a subject enrolment amendment form from Student Services or your faculty office, and return it to your faculty office.
Pharmacy students seeking termination of studies should see the registrar, ground floor, Sissons building, Parkville campus.
You may withdraw from a subject from the third week to the first day of the tenth week of the semester, but the subject will show on your academic record as `discontinued' with the date of discontinuation, and you will be assessed amenities fees for the subject.
A withdrawal made after the first day of the tenth week of the semester will show as a `fail'.
If you have a HECS liability, you are subject to a HECS assessment for every first-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 March, and every second-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 August. A full-year subject is assessed for HECS in two equal instalments: one on each of the above dates. A summer-semester subject is assessed on the first day of class (or two weeks later, depending on the length of the course).
If you are paying full fees, there is no refund payable in respect of any first-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 March, any second-semester subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 August, or any full-year subject in which you remain enrolled after 31 March A summer-semester subject is assessed on the first day of class (or two weeks later, depending on the length of the course).
If you are an international student in the first semester of your course of study, and you have reason to seek a refund, you should contact the Monash International office.
If you are an international student and you withdraw from all your studies and end your enrolment in your course, you must return to your home country.
Under the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995, the Australian Government determined that New Zealand citizens beginning a course of study in Australia on or after 1 January 1996 are no longer entitled to choose to pay their HECS by the deferred method (HECS 10) or up-front with a 25% discount (HECS 11), but must pay their HECS up front with no discount (HECS 12). The HECS payment options form has a section that must be completed if you are currently a New Zealand citizen.
If you are granted Australian citizenship, you are then entitled to change your HECS option to deferred or up-front with the discount. You must present your original approval and Australian citizenship certificate to the staff at the Student Services counter on your campus, and complete and lodge a new HECS payment options form indicating your choice of payment.
Changes to citizenship may be lodged at the start of each semester up to the census date, and any consequent difference arising from fees paid in advance may be refunded. Please contact the fees branch on your home campus, or refer to the fees section of this handbook for further details.
If you are granted Australian citizenship after the census date of a semester, you will remain in the category of New Zealand citizen: HECS 12 for the duration of that semester.
If at any time during your course you require a formal transcript of your academic record, you must complete a request for academic record form, which you obtain from and return to Student Services, with the appropriate fee: $15 for the first three copies, $3 for each additional copy requested at the same time, and $15 for a statement including numerical marks. No requests will be accepted over the telephone: payment must be made in advance. The transcript shows all your results and, where applicable, exemptions and credits: the university will not issue an academic record that omits subjects that have been failed. A free copy of your academic record is enclosed with your testamur when you graduate.
Pharmacy students may request transcripts of academic records from Ms Margaret Duncan, ground floor, Scott building, Parkville campus.
If you wish to have your degree conferred or your diploma awarded you must complete an application to graduate form, which you obtain from and return to Student Services. If you wish to attend a ceremony, the application form must be accompanied by a fee of $75; if you wish to graduate in absentia (that is, if you do not wish to attend a ceremony) there is no fee.
If you expect to complete your course at the end of the year and you want to graduate at the first available ceremony in the following year, or if you wish to graduate at a ceremony in South East Asia in the following year, you must submit your application no later than two working days before the Christmas vacation.
If you expect to complete your course at the end of the first semester, and you want to graduate at the October or December ceremonies in the second semester, you must submit your application by the end of the first week of the second semester.
Pharmacy students will be sent an application form prior to the May graduation ceremony at Parkville.
Do not delay your application because you are waiting for examination results: your application can be deferred if necessary.
Your application will not be processed if you are in debt to the university or if your status has been invalidated.
Do not make any commitment - financial or otherwise - to any travel or accommodation arrangements in relation to a graduation ceremony before you have applied for and received written confirmation from the Graduations Section that you have been included in a specific ceremony.
The academic dress worn today is a modified form of the everyday dress worn by scholars and teachers in the Middle Ages. It consists of a gown with sleeves of a pattern appropriate to the degree, a trencher cap or a bonnet, and a hood which is the remnant of the cowl worn to cover the head and shoulders.
The style of academic dress adopted by Monash University is based on that of the University of Cambridge, with the exception of the dress for higher doctorates, which is based on the style of academic dress of the University of Oxford.
Associate diplomates A black gown with a stole faced with the appropriate faculty colour.
Graduate diplomates A black gown and trencher cap with a stole faced with the appropriate faculty colour.
Bachelors A black gown and trencher cap with a turquoise blue hood edged with the appropriate faculty colour.
Masters A black gown and trencher cap with a turquoise blue hood lined with the appropriate faculty colour.
Doctors of Education A black gown faced with banana, a turquoise blue hood lined with banana, and a black velvet bonnet with black cord and tassels.
Doctors of Philosophy A black gown faced with peony red, a turquoise blue hood lined with peony red and edged with the appropriate faculty colour, and a black velvet bonnet with peony red cord and tassels.
Higher doctorates A festal scarlet gown faced with the appropriate faculty colour, a scarlet hood lined with the same colour as the facing of the gown, and a black velvet bonnet with gold cord and tassels.
The faculty colours are as follows:
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3168 Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996 |