Dr Denis Morgan
A course of 40 lectures, 16 tutorials and 39 hours of practical work.
The aim of the course is to provide students with a detailed knowledge and understanding of certain aspects of the physical, chemical and biological sciences which relate to the formulation of drugs and their distribution in the body.
In this teaching program students are expected to develop
Weights, measures and calculations. The metric system of weights and measures, pharmaceutical calculations, mass-volume relationships, alcohol and acid dilutions, percentage formulae, wet and dry attenuations, alligation. Introduction to the Weights and Measures Act. The prescription balance, sensitivity, legal tolerances in weighing and measuring, calculation of per cent error in weighing.
Principles of drug administration. Effects of varying biological factors, children's dose rules, the doses and uses of some common drugs. The role of the pharmacist in dealing with inappropriate dosages.
Dose forms. An overview of the various dose forms used in pharmacy practice.
Isotonic solutions. Osmotic injury of tissues, freezing point depression and osmotic pressure; osmotic calculations. The Wells Approximate Liso values. The limitations of physico-chemical methods of adjusting isotonicities, the haemolytic method of Husa, the haematocrit method of Setnikar and Telmelcou.
Milliequivalents, millimoles and milliosmoles. The electrolytes of normal serum, electrolyte solutions for intravenous use, notation in prescriptions, calculations.
Solution formulation. Principles of formulation; pharmaceutical solvents; solutes, mechanisms of solution, concentration. Factors effecting solubility, including temperature, pH, complexation, solubilisation and cosolvency. Pharmaceutical colouring, flavouring and preserving agents.
Dissolution. Factors affecting dissolution rate, theory of dissolution, Noyes-Whitney equation, Hixson-Crowell; in vitro/in vivo correlation.
Buffering in pharmaceuticals. Chemical and biological buffer systems; physiological aspects of buffering and drug solubility, stability and action, formulation of pharmaceutical buffers.
Solution dose forms. A description of the formulations of solutions for oral, topical, parenteral, nasal and ophthalmic use.
Filtration. Factors affecting filtration rate, mechanisms of filtration, procedures, types of filters, filter aids.
Stability of pharmaceuticals. Forms of instability; modes of chemical degradation, hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis, dehydration, racemisation; prevention of degradation, use of antioxidants; modes of physical degradation; shelf-life, stability testing.
Pharmaceutical containers. Glass, plastics, metals; interactions between product and packaging; influence of packaging on product stability.
Rheology. Shear stress, strain and strain rate. Newtonian, plastic, pseudoplastic and dilatant flow. Thixotropy.
Surface properties. Surface energy and surface tension. Wetting and capillarity. Surfactants, micellisation, solubilisation and detergency. Insoluble films.
Liquid-in-liquid systems. Theories of emulsification; emulsion type; HLB; emulsion stability; formulation and applications.
Body cavity dose forms. Principles of formulation and manufacture of suppositories and pessaries.
Thirteen 3-hour practical sessions.
Practical classes are designed to demonstrate the principles involved in the formulation and manufacture of simple dose forms, including solutions, creams and ointments.
Recommended texts
Florence A T and Attwood D Physicochemical principles of pharmacy 2nd edn, Chapman and Hall, 1988
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Australian pharmaceutical formulary 15th edn, PSA, 1992
Victorian College of Pharmacy Pharmaceutics I/Pharmacy practice I laboratory manual VCP, 1997
Reference books
Aulton ME Pharmaceutics: The science of dosage form design Livingstone, 1988
Burns D M and MacDonald S G G Physics for biology and pre-medical students 2nd edn, Addison-Wesley, 1975
Collett D M and Aulton M E Pharmaceutical practice Churchill Livingstone, 1990
Martin A N and others Physical pharmacy 4th edn, Lea and Febiger, 1993
Martindale W The extra pharmacopoeia 31st edn, Pharmaceutical Press, 1996
Parrott E L Pharmaceutical technology Burgess, 1970
Pharmaceutical Press The pharmaceutical codex 12th edn, Pharmaceutical Press, 1994
Shaw D J Introduction to colloid and surface chemistry 4th edn, Butterworths, 1992
Journal references
Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
Australian Journal of Pharmacy
Australian Pharmacist
Subject assessment will reflect the learning objectives outlined above. Methods of assessment will include:
Dr Magdy Iskander
84 lectures, 32 tutorials and 75 hours practical work.
The major aim of the first year of the course is to provide the background in physical and organic chemistry necessary to understand the clinical/medicinal chemistry covered in later years, as well as to provide essential background for pharmaceutics and pharmacology.
In this teaching program students are expected to develop:
Physical and analytical chemistry
Fifty lectures.
Chemical bonding. Quantum theory, atomic orbitals, hybridisation. Covalent bonds, valence bond and molecular orbital theories. Polar molecules, intermolecular bonds, molecular association. Relative strengths of bonds.
Ionic equilibria in solution. Dissociation, solubility product, stablity constant, ionic product for water. The pH scale, solutions of weak acids and bases, indicators, amphoteric electrolytes, isoelectric point, ion exchange resins. Determination of pKa, relationship between pKa and pKb for a conjugate acid/base pair. Buffer solutions, buffer capacity, buffers in blood. The relationship between the pH of a solution, the pKa of an acidic or basic drug, its ionisation state and its absorption.
Spectroscopy. Energy level diagrams, chromophores and auxochromes. Ultraviolet, visible and spectroscopy. Introduction to qualitative infrared spectroscopy. Beer's law and pharmaceutical analysis. Photochemical reactions of drugs, photosensitive degradations, sunscreens, photochemotherapy.
States of matter. Gases. Graham's and Fick's laws of diffusion. Dalton's law of partial pressures. Deviation from ideal gas behaviour, van der Waals' equation. Liquids. Liquefaction of gases, vapour pressure of liquids, latent heat of vaporisation, the Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
Phase equilibria. One-component systems. Solid, liquid and vapour equilibria, the water diagram, Gibbs phase rule. Polymorphism, properties of polymorphs. Two-component systems. Solid solutions, eutectic mixtures. Miscibility of liquid mixtures, the phenol-water system. Partition between immiscible solvents. Chromatography. Three-component systems. The miscibility of toluene, ethanol and water, triangular diagrams.
Solutions. Gases in liquids. Vapour pressure and solubility. Liquids in liquids. Vapour pressure of liquid mixtures, ideal behaviour, Raoult's law. Deviation from ideal behaviour, azeotropes. Colligative properties of solutions. Osmotic pressure, the van't Hoff coefficient, isotonicity.
Bioinorganic chemistry. Formation, stability and nomenclature of complex ions. Chelation and organometallic complexes in biological systems. Ionic equilibria in solution.
Thermodynamics. Heat and work, conservation of energy, internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity. Thermochemistry, bond energies, resonance energy.
Reaction kinetics. Reaction rate, order and molecularity. Rate equations for zero, first and second order reactions. Reaction mechanisms, collision theory, transition states, drug stability.
Electrochemistry. Galvanic cells, Nernst equation, oxygen electrode, cell potentials and free energy, pKa, solubility product and equilibrium constant. Electrochemistry and biological cell potentials, pharmaceutical analysis.
Recommended texts
Aylward G and Findlay T SI chemical data 3rd edn, Wiley, 1994
Brown G I Introduction to physical chemistry 3rd edn, Longman, 1983
Holum J R Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry 5th edn, Wiley, 1994
Reference books
Denaro A R Elementary electrochemistry 2nd edn, Butterworths, 1981
Florence A T and Attwood D Physicochemical principles of pharmacy 2nd edn, Macmillan, 1988
Martin A N and others Physical pharmacy 4th edn, Lea and Febiger, 1993
Skoog D and West D Fundamentals of analytical chemistry 7th edn, Saunders, 1996
Organic and medicinal chemistry
Thirty-four lectures.
Structure and properties of organic molecules. Bonding, isomerism, stereochemistry and nomenclature of carbon compounds. An introduction to the use of spectroscopic methods in structure determination and identification of organic compounds.
Reactions of organic molecules. The chemistry of selected classes of organic compounds, viz. aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and their halogen derivatives, alcohols and phenols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amides, acid chlorides, amines and other nitrogenous compounds, thiols and other sulphur-containing molecules. Polyfunctional molecules such as amino acids and amino alcohols. Elementary electronic theory and reaction mechanisms. Throughout the course special reference will be made to compounds of biological, medicinal and pharmaceutical importance.
Introduction to medicinal chemistry. Influence of such factors as shape, size, ionisation state, solubility and substituent groups on the biological action of selected drug classes.
Recommended texts
Holum J R Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry 5th edn, Wiley, 1994
Reference books
Albert A Selective toxicity 7th edn, Chapman and Hall, 1985
Bettelheim F A and March J Introduction to general, organic and biochemistry 4th edn, Saunders, 1995
Lemke T L Review of organic functional groups 3rd edn, Lea and Febiger, 1992
Solomons T W G Organic chemistry 6th edn, Wiley, 1996
Supplementary material
Molecular model set for organic chemistry Allyn and Bacon, 1984
Minit molecular building system (biochemistry set), Cochranes, 1973
Seventy-five hours practical work in analytical, physical, medicinal and organic chemistry.
Practical classes are designed to provide experience of the principles presented in the lecture course. Students are required to wear safety glasses and laboratory coats in the laboratory.
Recommended texts
Victorian College of Pharmacy Medicinal chemistry I laboratory manual VCP, 1997
Reference books
Beckett A H and Stenlake J B Practical pharmaceutical chemistry parts 1 and 2, 4th edn, Athlone Press, 1988
Subject assessment will reflect the learning objectives outlined above. Methods of assessment will include:
Dr Wendy Hope
88 lectures, 12 tutorials and 75 hours of practical work.
The major aim of the subject is to provide students with a knowledge of mammalian physiology as a basis for understanding how physiological processes are altered by disease states or affected by drugs. This knowledge is mandatory for understanding pharmacology and pathology taught in later years.
In this teaching program students are expected to develop:
Basic cell physiology
An introduction to cellular biochemistry and metabolism. Constituents of cells, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes and enzyme inhibition. Bioenergetics, concept of free energy change, exergonic and endergonic reactions, ATP, energy-rich and energy-poor bonds, biological oxidations and oxidative phosphorylation, photosynthesis. Aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis, citric acid cycle. Macro and micro nutrients.
Cellular structure. General structure and functioning of cells, cytoplasm, lysosomes, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, ribosomes, centrosomes, nucleus. Functional and structural specialisation in cells.
Cellular reproduction and genetics. Genetics, Mendel's work, laws of independent segregation and random assortment of allelic pairs. Chromosome replication and division, mitosis and meiosis. Linkage and crossing over, chromosome maps. Sex determination and x (sex) linkage. Multigenic and non-Mendelian inheritance. Mutations and chromosomal abnormalities. Genetic variability. Pharmacogenetics. Genetically-based human diseases. Genetic counselling.
Cellular functions
Membranes. Osmotic behaviour of cells, diffusion, the Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium, active transport. The electrical properties of cell membranes, resting and action potentials, the Nernst equation. Propagation of action potentials in myelinated and non-myelinated fibres, refractory period and after-potentials. Effects of anodal and cathodal polarisation and of inorganic ions on membranes. Physiological salt solutions.
Synaptic transmission. Origin and transmission of nerve impulse. The generator potential. Axo-dendritic, axo-somatic and axo-axonal synapses. Excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials, presynaptic inhibition. Neuronal pools. Neuroeffector junctions. Humoral transmission. Facilitation and blockade. Characterisation of transmitters. The autonomic nervous system, an introduction.
Properties of muscle. Physiology of skeletal muscle, contractile and elastic components, isotonic and isometric contractions, twitch and tetanus. Ultra-structure of muscle and sliding filament theory. Focally and multiply-innervated fibres. Structure and properties of cardiac muscle and its conducting system. Electrical activity of cardiac muscle membranes, the ECG. Smooth muscle, structure, location and function. Multi-unit and single-unit muscle. Vascular smooth muscle. Electrical activity of smooth muscle membranes.
Calcium. Sources, functions and control mechanisms in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle.
General physiology
Nervous system. General organisation of the nervous system. Development of major structures of vertebrate brain. Autonomic and somatic nervous system. Organisation of spinal cord and simple reflex arcs. Receptors and receptor organs. Nerve generation and regeneration.
Endocrine function. Introduction to the hormonal system, functions of hormones, their release and their role in homeostasis.
Skeleton and skeletal muscle. General structures and function. Joints. Movement.
Circulation. Basic mammalian circulatory system. Heart. Vasculature. Cardiovascular mechanics and control of circulation.
Respiration. Structure and function of the respiratory system. Gaseous exchange and transport. Respiratory pigments. Control of respiration. Effects of change of environment.
Feeding, digestion and absorption. The gastrointestinal tract, its development, function, hormonal and nervous control. Absorption.
Liver. Structure and functions; storage, synthesis, metabolism and excretion, the biliary system.
Excretion. General patterns and organs involved. Structure and function of the vertebrate kidney.
Temperature regulation. Poikilotherms, heterotherms and homiotherms. Control mechanisms, temperature receptors, sweat glands, vascular changes.
Special senses. Structure and function of organs concerned in sight, hearing and balance. Chemoreception.
Reproduction and early embryological development. Asexual and sexual reproduction. Oestrus and menstrual cycles and their hormonal control. Fertilisation, implantation and initial developmental stages. Embryology. Teratology. Formation and physiology of the placenta. Pregnancy, parturition, lactation. Contraception, infertility.
Blood and body fluids. Plasma, formed elements. Anaemias. Clotting mechanism and anticoagulants. The fibrinolytic system. Cerebro-spinal fluid. Extra-cellular fluid and lymph.
Twenty-six 3-hour practical, tutorial and discussion sessions designed to illustrate aspects of the syllabus.
Practical classes are designed to provide experience in the logical approach and skills required to gain physiological information by observation and experimentation. Students must provide themselves with dissecting instruments.
Recommended texts
Fox S T Human physiology 5th edn, Little Brown, 1996
MacKenna B R and Callander R Illustrated physiology 5th edn, Churchill Livingstone, 1990
Moffett D F and others Human physiology: Foundations and frontiers 2nd edn, Times Mirror Mosby, 1993
Mosby's medical nursing and allied health dictionary 4th edn, Mosby, 1994
Vander A J and others Human physiology 6th edn, McGraw-Hill, 1994
Victorian College of Pharmacy Physiology laboratory manual VCP, 1997
Reference books
Alberts B and others Molecular biology of the cell 3rd edn, Garland, 1994
Burkitt H G and others Wheater's `Functional histology' 3rd edn, Churchill Livingstone, 1993
Ganong W F Review of medical physiology 17th edn, Appleton and Lange, 1995
Lewis R Human genetics - concepts and applications Brown, 1994
Mueller R F Emery's Elements of medical genetics 9th edn, Churchill Livingstone, 1995
Subject assessment will reflect the learning objectives outlined above. Methods of assessment will include:
Dr William Thiel
50 lectures, 17 tutorials and 23 hours of practical work.
The subject aims to provide students with the necessary calculus and statistical techniques for the subjects of the pharmacy degree and prepare future graduates for the increasing use of computers in the profession.
In this teaching program students are expected to develop:
Computer studies
General introduction. Purpose and basic components of a computer. Hardware, software and operating systems.
Networking. The Monash student environment. Registration, login, security and password protection. Remote access. Networked printing. Quotas and limits.
The Internet. Browsing, searching and information retrieval using the WWW and the Internet.
Personal computers. IBM and standards in the computing industry. DOS, Windows and and other operating systems. Booting up and re-booting. Disks - capacity and industry standards, formatting options. Types of printer. Connecting, configuring and using a printer. Considerations involved in computer and printer purchase.
File maintenance. Creating and maintaining directories, subdirectories and files. Backup strategies and virus prevention.
Monash standard software. Using Word to create, edit, illustrate and format documents. Using Excel to solve problems, process data and present results in tabular or graphical form. Writing, recording and running macros.
Tutorial classes will be run in conjunction with the coursework and will provide opportunities to practise, understand and use the information presented. Computer access will be available during the whole of the undergraduate course.
Differentiation. Limits, definition, product, quotient, function of a function, implicit differentiation, stationary points, turning points, points of inflection and function sketching.
Logarithmic plots. Exponential and logarithmic functions, semi-logarithmic and logarithmic plots.
Integration methods. By parts, algebraic substitution and partial fractions.
First-order rate processes. Definition, different physical processes obeying the law (eg radioactive decay, chemical reaction, microbiological growth, elementary pharmacokinetics), half-life and semi-logarithmic plots.
Zero, second and third-order reaction. The rate equations, their solutions and half-life.
Triangular charts. Graphical representation of three component systems.
Partial differentiation. Functions of several variables, first and second partial derivatives, geometric interpretation.
Integration. Definite integrals, area under a curve, infinite limits, approximate integration methods (trapezoidal rule).
Differential equations. Solution of ordinary differential equations by separation of variables and integrating factor methods. Partial differential equations, the unsteady state diffusion equations. Fick's Law of Diffusion.
Presentation of sample data. Frequency tables, histograms and cumulative frequency distributions.
Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Mode, median, arithmetic and geometric mean. Skew of a distribution. Standard deviation, variance and degrees of freedom.
Probability distributions. General properties, the binomial, Poisson and normal distribution. Normal probability graph paper. The log normal distribution and log probability graph paper. Normal approximation to the binomial distribution, distribution of proportions.
Sampling. Random sampling, the Central Limit Theorem, calculation of sample size to attain a required accuracy.
Estimation. Point and interval estimates, Student's t-distribution. Confidence intervals for the mean and for the difference of two means (independent populations). The pairing of samples, confidence intervals for paired data. Confidence intervals for the difference of two proportions (independent populations). Confidence intervals for the variance, the chi-square distribution.
Hypothesis testing. Testing using confidence intervals. The H0 and H1 hypothesis, type 1 and 2 errors, one-sided and two-sided testing, p values, operating, characteristic curves.
Fitting a line. Least squares fit using partial differential calculus to develop the normal equations.
Regression theory. The mathematical model, residual variance, confidence intervals for slope, intercept and predicted Y value.
Correlation. Linear correlation coefficient.
Contingency tables. Test for independence testing several proportions, the chi-square distribution.
Recommended texts
Abbott P Calculus (Teach Yourself Books) 3rd edn, Hodder and Stoughton, 1992
Freund J E and Simon G A Modern elementary statistics 8th edn, Prentice-Hall, 1992
Reference books
Lentner M Introduction to applied statistics Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1975
Martin A N and others Physical pharmacy 4th edn, Lea and Febiger, 1993
White R How computers work 2nd edn, Ziff-Davis, 1995
Wonnacott T M and Wonnacott R J Introductory statistics 5th edn, Wiley, 1990
Subject assessment will reflect the learning objectives outlined above. Methods of assessment will include:
Associate Professor Louis Roller
38 lectures, 8 hours of tutorials and 36 hours of practical work.
Since a large amount of time spent by a pharmacist is in one-to-one communication with patients, doctors and other members of the health profession, the students will be taught the rudiments of oral and written communication skills and will learn aspects of human behaviour so as best to undertake the counselling of patients when dispensing medicines. This segment of the subject forms a motivational and educational component to prepare the student for the studentship period at the end of first year. It also serves as a prerequisite for the second-year subject in pharmacy practice which will cover counselling, social pharmacy and illness behaviour in greater depth. It should also be remembered by the student that the ideals of modern day pharmacy practice as enunciated during these early lectures and practicals in `Pharmacy practice I' must be carried over into other areas of the course and into the subsequent three years of the undergraduate program and the post-Bachelor of Pharmacy internship period as well as future practice as a qualified pharmacist. Thus, the major aims of this subject are to provide students with a knowledge and understanding of the legal, ethical, behavioural and scientific requirements for the practice of pharmacy. This, in turn, is closely associated with `Pharmaceutics I'. The subject is also designed to instil in students an appreciation of the need to express concern, compassion and sensitivity in patient care through an understanding of human behaviour.
In this teaching program students are expected to develop:
Professional pharmacy
Historical aspects and the roles of modem day pharmacists. The development of pharmacy as a profession. Pharmacy and medicine, professional roles of the pharmacist, ethical considerations. Role of the pharmacist in the maintenance of patient's health. The health care system in Australia.
The prescription. The model prescription, the legal requirements of a prescription, types of prescriptions, common pharmaceutical Latin abbreviations. Trade names, generic names. The role of the pharmacist in relation to the physician, the prescription and the patient. Recording of prescriptions and patient profiles.
Dispensing. The qualities of a properly dispensed medicine. Dispensing drill as applied to pharmacy practice.
Legal aspects of pharmacy. Sources of formulae, legal precedents for standards, introduction to the Pharmacists Act and Regulations, the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act, Schedules to the Act and Regulations.
Commonly used drugs. Common reference texts are used to research the pharmacy of selected drugs.
Communications in pharmacy practice
The use of English. Introduction to what constitutes good written English. Styles of English. Layout and presentation for essays etc. Introduction to good oral communications skills.
Report writing. The main features of a report. Clarity of style. Conclusions of reports. References and bibliography.
Human behaviour
Nature of human behaviour. Approaches, scope, research and measurement, the place of human behaviour in the health profession.
Development. Factors governing development, early years, cognitive development, personality and social development, identification, adolescence, search for identity, middle years, old age, how to relate to geriatric patients.
Perception. An overview, perceptual processes. Prescription reading and perception, patient/professional perception.
Consciousness and control. Consciousness, sleep, dreams, psychoactive drugs and consciousness. The non-therapeutic use of drugs.
Conditioning and learning. Classical, operant conditioning, reinforcement, cognitive and individualising learning. Learning procedures and good counselling.
Remembering. Memory, short term, long term, improving memory, aids to memory, improving patient compliance.
Emotions and motivation. Motivational concepts, basic drives, hunger, obesity, sex, theories of motivation, aggression, emotion, emotional expression, motivation and the pharmacist, motivation and the patient.
Mental abilities. Genetic and environmental determinants of intelligence, testing aptitude and achievements, effect of age on body processes and intelligence, communication with less able individuals.
Personality and its assessment. Shaping of personality, approaches to personality, trait, social learning, psychoanalytic, phenomenological, the noncompliant personality.
Abnormal behaviour. An introduction to the classification of psychopathologies as laid down by the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 4th edition (DSMIV). Handling difficult clients.
Conflict and stress. Frustration, anxiety, stress, defence mechanisms. Illness related to stress. The health professional and stress.
The therapies. Patients' symptoms, attitudes, means of modifying behaviour in a positive direction. Applications to patients.
Practical classes are designed to provide experience in dispensing.
Twelve 3-hour sessions in the dispensing of medicines. A three-hour session will also be held in which each student will present a 5-10 minute oral dissertation on a given aspect of drug use as depicted by `Self-care cards'. In conjunction with the lectures and practicals a `drug in profile' will be displayed each week. Students are expected to maintain records of the pharmacy of these `drugs in profile' in a specially provided manual.
Recommended texts
Atkinson R L and others Introduction to psychology 12th edn, HBJ, 1996
Peterson C and others Psychology. An introduction for nurses and allied health professionals Prentice-Hall, 1992
Mosby's medical nursing and allied health dictionary 4th edn, Mosby, 1994 (or other medical dictionary)
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Australian pharmaceutical formulary 15th edn, PSA, 1992
Pharmacy Board of Victoria Office consolidation 2nd edn, PBV, 1987
Pharmacy Board of Victoria Pharmacy board guidelines PBV, 1997
Thompson N Written communication 8th edn, Macmillan, 1986
Victorian College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Practice drugs in profile handbook VCP, 1997
Victorian College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Practice `Self care cards' and `The essentials for health and fitness leaflets' manual VCP, 1997
Victorian College of Pharmacy Pharmacy Practice I and Human behaviour handbook VCP, 1997
Victorian College of Pharmacy Pharmaceutics I/Pharmacy practice I practical manual VCP, 1997
Reference books
Martindale W The extra pharmacopoeia 31st edn, Pharmaceutical Press, 1996
Smith M C and Knapp D A Pharmacy drugs and medical care 5th edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1992
Upfal J The Australian drug guide 3rd edn, Bookman, 1995
Journal references
Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
Australian Journal of Pharmacy
Australian Pharmacist
Subject assessment will reflect the learning objectives outlined above. Methods of assessment will include:
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