Energy conversion and machines
N Samaan
4.5 points
* 39 lecture hours, 26 tutorial/laboratory hours
* Second
* Gippsland/Distance
* Prerequisite: GEG1503
Objectives To develop the fundamental principles of electrical machines.
Synopsis Magnetic circuits: equivalent circuit; magnetisation curve; losses, sinusoidal excitation. Energy conversion: Faraday's Law; electromagnetic and electromechanical conversion; torque developed; generator and motor operation (DC-AC). Balanced three-phase circuits: balanced voltages (Y delta connection); three-phase loads; power calculations and measurement. Transformers: single-phase transformer; effect of winding resistance; components of magnetic flux; equivalent circuit; testing, regulation; efficiency; per-unit system. Performance and control of DC machines. 3[phi] induction motors; construction; slip, rotor power; induced e.m.f.; torque; losses and efficiency. Synchronous generators: basic operation; e.m.f. equation; equivalent circuit.
Assessment Examination: 60%
* Class tests, assignments and
laboratory work: 40%
Prescribed texts
Sen P C Principals of electrical machines and power electronics Wiley, 1989
Recommended texts
Bhag S G and Huseyin R H Electric machinery and transformers HBJ, 1990
Romshaw R and Von Heeswigk R G Energy conversion, electric motors and generators Saunders, 1990
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