Transport phenomena II
3 points * 24 lectures * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: CHE3111
Objectives The student is expected to acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the more fundamental aspects of heat and mass transfer and the analogies between them. The student is expected to become more proficient in the ability to use mathematics to analyse relatively complicated physical systems.
Synopsis Derivations of equations of change for non-isothermal and multicomponent systems. Selected applications including forced and free convection heat and mass transfer problems; unsteady flow and boundary flow problems; Nusselt's analysis on condensation of pure vapour; creeping flow around a sphere - Stokes' law, etc. Interfacial transport - friction factor/Reynolds number relations; heat transfer coefficient, mass transfer coefficient. Dimensionless forms of equations of change. Dimensionless groups.
Assessment Examinations: 85% * Assignments: 15%
Prescribed texts
Bird R B and others Transport phenomena Wiley, 1960
Themelis N J Transport and chemical rate phenomena Gordon and Breach, 1995
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