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Psychological, physical and social components of health education

Associate Professor G N Molloy

12 points
* 3 hours per week
* Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to conduct a computer search of relevant literature and critically evaluate published reports; differentiate between survey, clinical and experimental research in health psychology and education; plan, implement and evaluate a program designed to acquire or enhance health promoting behaviours.

Synopsis This subject will explore preventive and curative aspects of health education from the perspective of both individuals and groups. Relations between information transmission (instruction) and changes in actual behaviours (learning) in settings such as schools, hospitals and the community at large will be examined. Topics include psychological correlates of drug use, exercise, nutrition and safety; levels of intervention; education and legislation and ethical issues associated with what some may consider `big brother or sister' approaches aimed at changing health-related behaviours.

Assessment Written literature review (3500 words): 70%
* Report (1500 words): 30%

Recommended texts

King N J and Remenyi A (eds) Health care: A behavioral approach Grune and Stratton, 1986

Seraganian P (ed.) Exercise psychology: The influence of physical exercise on psychological processes Wiley, 1993

Zuckerman M Biological bases of sensation seeking Erlbaum, 1983

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Handbook Contents | Faculty Handbooks | Monash University
Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution
Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996