Peninsula campus
Course code: 1514
Contact: Mr Tom Hill (course leader)
This primary teaching degree is a four-year concurrent course including teaching and curriculum studies, educational studies and general studies leading to the awarding of the Bachelor of Primary Education. With this qualification graduates will be eligible for employment within state and independent schools and related teaching services.
In keeping with the mission statement of Monash University, the major objectives of the course are to provide students with a program of studies and experiences which should enable them to:
Applicants must have satisfactorily completed the Victorian Certificate of Education or its equivalent. Within the Victorian Certificate of Education, English must be included in the applicant's `best four' subjects and applicants must have satisfactorily passed two units of VCE mathematics.
The degree is offered over four successive years and is designed to be cumulative in content. Whilst each of the three areas may appear to be discrete, it is expected that the teaching and curriculum studies and the education studies will have direct relevance to the practicum.
Appropriate connections between the teaching and curriculum studies and the practicum will be made in each subject offering. All eight key learning areas are represented as the basic structure, with added emphasis being given to mathematics and English. In the first three semesters two key learning areas form the basis of the subject offered. In the sixth and seventh semesters students are given the freedom to select a particular discipline for further study. Professional issues in the eighth semester will be a final preparation for students to enter the teaching profession (eighty-four points).
Each subject offered within the education studies stream is studied from two perspectives: teaching and learning and a social impact perspective. Whilst these perspectives are not separate subjects within each education study, their presence will be clearly identified through subject planning, delivery and within the conceptual development of students (fifty-two points).
General studies electives which allow the student to enhance their personal development by pursuing a discipline area of study in the sciences, humanities or expressive arts (fifty-six points).
Students are required to undertake studies in teaching and curriculum and education studies in each of the four years of the degree. General studies are undertaken only in years 1 to 3.
The first-year program consists of:
Education subjects beyond the first year have not yet been developed.
Students are referred to the subject descriptions following the course information in this handbook for details of the subjects offered in the Bachelor of Primary Education degree.
Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the administrative officer, Peninsula School of Education (telephone 9904 4291).
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