Reengineering electronic business processes
Mr Graham Behrendorff
6 points
* 3-4 hours per week
* First, second, summer semester
Distanceù Prerequisite: GBU8058
Objectives Students will have understood and applied reengineering theory to the implementation of electronic commerce; the ability to list and explain key strategic business issues associated with electronic reengineering; explained the fourteen steps in reengineering and suggest appropriate strategies for effective implementation; competently undertaken a cost benefit analysis of business processes; developed and practised written reengineering policies; identified and explained the benefit of centralising and decentralising electronic commerce programs; designed effective business processes where optimal and information technologies are applied effectively; and discussed the management of trading partner relationships.
Synopsis This subject focuses on the role of reengineering in developing change strategies to implement into existing business practices and the way managers can radically alter existing business practice to ensure effective electronic commerce practice. After an initial investigation of theories of business reengineering the subject concentrates on the practical application of reengineering concepts to actual business strategies and practices. The subject focuses on reengineering theory, electronic reengineering and strategic management, methods of reengineering evaluation especially cost-benefit analysis, electronic commerce infrastructure and supraorganisational concepts and their effects on the reengineering process and examines the longer term perspective on reengineering looking at reengineering policy development and business.
Assessment Assignment 1 (2000 words): 20%
* Assignment 2 (3500-4000
words): 40%
* Examination (3 hours): 40%
Prescribed texts
A reading list will be supplied in the study package. A book of selected readings will be provided with the study book. There are no prescribed texts.
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