Information exchange technologies and processes
Offered subject to university approval
Mr Graham Behrendorff
6 points
* 3-4 hours per week
* First, second, summer semester
City, distance
* Prerequisite or corequisite: GBU8058
Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to define EDI and explain the relationship of EDI to other electronic commerce and data interchange processes; define and evaluate information exchange standards and technologies in Australian and internationally; describe and explain the components of information exchange technologies and systems and explain their operations; detail the steps involve the exchange of a specific EDI transaction set; describe and explain EDI applications such as EFT, livestock trading, LAN etc; relate effective EDI processes to implementation of TQM and electronic re-engineering processes; understand intelligent systems and integrated EDI processes explain the processing of quick response in relation to EDI.
Synopsis The various forms and innovations in information exchange. Both the structural and process form of information exchange will be examined. The subject is divided into four modules. The first module will examine electronic commerce concepts, standards and technologies, the principles of EDI development and the implementation of standards. Module 2 will examine forms of data, structural data, networking, IT and electronic commerce infrastructure together with EDI practices using email and the Internet. Module 3 will focus on implementation planning for electronic commerce applications and information exchange processes, justifications for implementation and cost benefit analysis practices. Module 4 will look at critical issues of electronic commerce and information exchange processes, the integration of strategies and exploitation of electronic commerce especially first and second generation EDI.
Assessment Assignment 1 (essay - 2000 words): 20%
* Assignment 2
(research report - 2000 and 2500 words): 20%
* EDI practice exercises: 20%
* Examination (3 hours): 40%
Prescribed texts
There are no prescribed texts for this course. Detailed reading lists will be issued in class
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