Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1037-0919

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Subject list VII

Level     Subject                                     Credit    Prerequisites         Corequisites  

          BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING                                                 

          Bridging courses
          CHM1700 Chemistry
          PHS1800 Physics                                                    
Level 1   CHE1110 Introduction to chemical               4                                      
          processing systems                                                                    
          CHM1710 Chemistry I                            4      VCE Chemistry or                
          CIV1210 Mechanics of structures                4                                      
          ECS1610 Engineering computing                  4                                      
          ENE1620 Environmental engineering              4                                      
          LSC1642 Conservation biology                   8                                      
          MAT1910 Engineering mathematics I              4      VCE Specialist                  
          MAT1920 Engineering mathematics II             4      VCE Specialist        MAT1910   
          MEC1410 Engineering mechanics                  4                                      
          PHS1842 Physics for the environment            4      VCE Physics or                  
          Core: 44 cp made up of Mathematics 8 cp                                               
          + Science 16 cp + Engineering 16 cp +                                                 
          Other 4 cp + Total 44 cp                                                              
Level 2   CHE1120 Industrial chemistry                   4      VCE Chemistry or                
          CHE2120 Thermodynamics                         4      CHE1110                         
          CIV2221 Stress and structural analysis         4      CIV1210                         
          ENE2101 Process engineering I                  4      CHE1110                         
          ENE2102 Process engineering II                 4      ENE2101                         
          ENE2503 Materials properties and               4                                      
          ENE2604 Communications for environmental       3                                      
          GES2420 Environmental policy and               4                                      
          MAT2910 Engineering mathematics III            3      MAT1920                         
          MAT2920 Engineering mathematics IV             3      MAT1920                         
          MAT2930 Numerical methods                      3      MAT1920                         
          MEC2430 Fluid mechanics                        4      MAT1920                         
          BIO2011 Ecology                                4                                      
          Core: 48 cp - made up of Mathematics 9                                                
          cp + Science 4 cp + Engineering 31 cp +                                               
          Other 4 cp                                                                            
Level 3   From level 3, the course is divided into                                              
and 4     three streams: 1. Environmental process                                               
          engineering; 2. Water and land                                                        
          management; 3. Transport and the built                                                
          environment. The student must choose                                                  
          either one major or two minor elective                                                
          streams, taking core subjects at each                                                 
          level as well as stream core and stream                                               
          elective subjects from their chosen                                                   
          stream(s). Stream electives subjects are                                              
          divided into two groups, A and B. One                                                 
          major stream comprises a minimum of 20                                                
          credit points from group A and a minimum                                              
          of 8 credit points from group B (total                                                
          32 credit points); two minor streams                                                  
          comprise 12 credit points from group A                                                
          and 4 credit points from group B in each                                              
          of two elective streams (total 32 credit                                              
          points). Students' choice of electives                                                
          must be approved by the Environmental                                                 
          Engineering Executive Committee.                                                      
Level 3   Core subjects (proposed for 1997)                                                     
          ENE3206 The soil environment                   3      ENE2102                         
          ENE3601 Environmental monitoring and           4      LSC2661                         
          ENE3602 Environmental management systems       4      GES2420                         
          ENE3603 Impact of engineering systems          4      ENE2102                         
          ENE3604 The air environment                    3      ENE2102                         
          ENE3605 The water environment                  3      ENE2102                         
          ENE3607 Environmental engineering              3                            ENE3604,  
          laboratory                                                                  ENE3605,  
          ENE3608 Energy systems                         4      CHE2120, ENE2102                
          Stream core                                                                           
          Either: Environmental process                                                         
          engineering stream                                                                    
          CHE3107 Process control                        4      MAT2920 ENE2102                 
          or: other stream                                                                      
          CIV3202 Civil engineeering practice 3          4                            ENE3607   
          Core: 28 cp + Streamed core: 4 cp +                                                   
          Electives: 16 cp - made up of                                                         
          Mathematics 0 cp + Science 0 cp +                                                     
          Engineering 44 cp + Other 4 cp + Total                                                
          48 cp                                                                                 
Level 4   Core subjects (proposed for 1998)                                                     
          ENE40xx Environmental law                      4                                      
          ENE40xx Environmental policy                   4      ENE3602                         
          ENE4601 Risk assessment/occupational           4      ENE3602               ENE3603   
          health and toxiocology                                                                
          ENV5610 Introduction to environmental          4                                      
          Stream core                                                                           
          Either: Environmental process                                                         
          engineering stream                                                                    
          ENE4102 Selected topics in process             4      CHE3108, CHE3109                
          analysis and design                                                                   
          CHE4114 Management I                           3                                      
          CHE4119 Design project                         9      CHE3107, CHE3108,               
                                                                CHE3109, ENE3109,               
          or: other stream                                                                      
          CIV4213 Civil engineering business             3                                      
          CIV4250 Environmental design                   6      CIV2221, ENE3604,     CIV3261   
                                                                ENE3605, ENE3206      and       
          ENE4603 Environmental project                  6      Completion of 116               
                                                                cp and level-3                  
                                                                subjects in chosen              
          Core: 16 cp + Streamed core: 16 cp +                                                  
          Electives: 16 cp - made up of                                                         
          Mathematics 0 cp + Science 0 cp +                                                     
          Engineering 32 cp + Other 16 cp + Total                                               
          48 cp                                                                                 
          Stream elective subjects                                                              
          Water and land management                                                             
          Group A                                                                               
          CIV3261 Hydraulics                             4      MEC2430                         
          CIV3263 Hydrology                              4                                      
          CIV4248 Landfills and ground                   4      ENE4205                         
          CIV4265 Hydraulic engineering                  5      CIV3261                         
          CIV4266 Public health engineering              5      ENE3605               ENE3607   
          CIV4267 Hydrology and water resources          5      CIV3263                         
          ENE4104 Wastewater treatment processes         3      ENE3605                         
          ENE4205 Soil environment II                    3      ENE3206               ENE3607   
          ENE4506 Materials and the environment          4      ENE2503                         
          MEC3405 Fluid mechanics                        4      MEC2430, MAT2910,               
                                                                MAT2920, MAT2930                
          MEC4432 Environmental fluid mechanics          4      MEC3405                         
          Group B                                                                               
          CHM2052 Aquatic chemistry I                    8                                      
          ENV5620 Environmental economics and            5      ENV5610                         
          ENV8190 Environmental geomorphology            4      consent of                      
          ESC2042 Earth resource and environmental       4                                      
          GES2131 Soils, land use and the                8      permission of head              
          GES3352 Resource evaluation and                6      permission of head              
          GES3362 Soils landscape and their             12      GES2131                         
          GES3411 Environmental regulation               6                                      
          GES3531 Fluvial geomorphology                 12      permission of head              
          GPS2011 Remote sensing and image               4                                      
          Environmental process engineering                                                     
          Group A                                                                               
          CHE3102 Momentum, heat and mass transfer       3      ENE2102                         
          CHE3104 Momentum transfer II                   3      MEC2430                         
          CHE3108 Process design and operation I         3      MEC2430, ENE2102,               
          CHE3109 Process design and operation II        3      CHE3108                         
          CHE4109 Process design and operation III       4      CHE3108, CHE3109                
          CHE4110 Process simulation and control         4      CHE3107                         
          ENE3109 Environmental reaction                 3      ENE2102                         
          ENE4104 Wastewater treatment processes         3      ENE3605                         
          ENE4107 Cleaner production technologies        3      CHE3108, CHE3109                
          ENE4108 Air pollution abatement                3      ENE3604                         
          ENE4109 Hazardous wastes                       3      CHE3108, CHE3109      ENE4601   
          ENE4506 Materials and the environment          4      ENE2503                         
          Group B                                                                               
          CHM2052 Aquatic chemistry I                    8                                      
          DSM5010 Environment and development            4                                      
          ENV5620 Environmental economics and            5      ENV5610                         
          GES2192 Climates of the earth boundary         8                                      
          GES3352 Resource evaluation and                6      permission of head              
          GES3482 Dilemmas of policy and planning       12      permission of head              
          GPS2011 Remote sensing and image               4                                      
          Transport and the built environment                                                   
          Group A                                                                               
          CIV2260 Design of structures                   4      CIV1210                         
          CIV3225 Steel structures                       3      CIV2260                         
          CIV3228 Concrete structural design             3      CIV2260                         
          CIV3281 Transport engineering                  3      CIV2250, ENE3607                
          CIV4232 Timber, masonry and building           3      CIV1210                         
          CIV4233 Concrete technology                    3      CIV2260                         
          CIV4244 Soil Engineering                       5      ENE4205                         
          CIV4282 Highway engineering                    4      CIV3281                         
          CIV4286 Traffic engineering and road           5      CIV3281                         
          CIV4287 Travel demand: forecasting and         5      CIV3281                         
          CIV4288 Transport, land use and the            5      CIV3281                         
          ENE4205 Soil environment II                    3      ENE3206                         
          ENE4210 Structures and the environment-        5      ENE2503                         
          ENE4506 Materials and the environment          4      ENE2503                         
          MEC4414 Energy systems                         4      ENE3608                         
          MEC4430 Industrial noise and control           4      MAT2910, MAT2920                
          MEC4431 Refrigeration and air                  4      MEC4413                         
          MEC4435 Energy management                      4      ENE3608                         
          Group B                                                                               
          DSM5010 Environment and development            4                                      
          ECO3770 Regional and urban economics           4      ENV5610                         
          ENV5620 Environmental economics and            5      ENV5610                         
          ENV8330 Land use planning                      6      consent of                      
          ENV8410 Built environment                      4                                      
          GPS2011 Remote sensing and image               4                                      
          GES3352 Resource evaluation and               12      permission of head              
          GES3482 Dilemmas of policy and planning       12      permission of head              
          LAW4144 Planning law                          xx                                      

          Requirements for the degree in                                                        
          environmental engineering The student                                                 
          requires 188 credit points for the                                                    

| Subject lists - Clayton Part 1 | Engineering handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University