Engineering Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1037-0919

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Subject list VI

Level     Subject                                     Credit    Prerequisites         Corequisites  

          BACHELOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND                                                      

          Note: For some subjects, not less than a                                              
          pass division 1 grade must be obtained                                                
          to satisfy a prerequisite and, where                                                  
          this is required, P1 appears immediately                                              
          after the subject number in the                                                       
          prerequisites column.                                                                 
Level 1   Core subjects                                                                         
          CSC1011 Computer programming                   6                            MAT1910   
          CSC1030 Computer science                       6      CSC1011               MAT1920   
          ECS1310 Electrical systems and computer        4      VCE Specialist                  
          engineering                                           Mathematics                     
          ECS1320 Digital logic systems                  4                                      
          PHS1810 Physics I                              4      VCE Physics                     
          PHS1820 Physics II                             4      VCE Physics                     
          MAT1910 Engineering mathematics I              4      VCE Specialist                  
          MAT1920 Engineering mathematics II             4      VCE Specialist        MAT1910   
          Elective subjects - at least twelve                                                   
          credit points selected from:                                                          
          MAT1130 Graphs, logics and numbers             6                                      
          CHE1110 Introduction to chemical               4                                      
          processing systems                                                                    
          CIV1210 Mechanics of structures                4                                      
          MEC1410 Engineering mechanics                  4                                      
          MTE1510 Mechanical properties of               4                                      
Level 2   Core subjects                                                                         
          CSC2010 Computer architecture                  4      CSC1030, MAT1910,               
          CSC2030 Foundations of computing               4      As for CSC2010                  
          CSC2040 Science of programming                 4      As for CSC2010                  
          CSC2050 Software engineering I                 4      CSC2040                         
          CSC2070 Numerical computing                    4      CSC1011                         
          ECS2310 Circuit theory I                       4      ECS1310 P1,           ECS2320,  
                                                                PHS1810, PHS1820      MAT2910   
                                                                P1, MAT1920                     
          ECS2320 Electromagnetic theory I               3                            ECS2310   
          ECS2340 Telecommunications                     2      ECS2310                         
          ECS2360 Electronics and control systems I      5      ECS2310, PHS2081      MAT2920   
          ECS2371 Microprocessor interfacing             4      ECS1320                         
          ECS2390 Management I                           3                                      
          PHS2081 Physics III                            3      PHS1810, PHS1820      ECS2310   
          MAT2910 Engineering mathematics III            3      MAT1920                         
          MAT2920 Engineering mathematics IV             3      MAT1920                         
Level 3   Core subjects                                                                         
          CSC2020 Operating systems                      4      As for CSC2010                  
          CSC3040 Computer organisation                  4      CSC2010 (CSC2061                
          CSC3182 Data communications and computer       4                            CSC2020   
          ECS3311 Circuit theory II                      2      ECS2310               MAT3910   
          ECS3312 Circuit theory III                     3      ECS3311                         
          ECS3321 Electromagnetic theory II              4      ECS2310, ECS2320 P1   MAT3910   
          ECS3331 Control systems II                     3      ECS2360               ECS3311   
          ECS3361 Small-signal amplifiers                4      ECS2360 P1            ECS3311,  
          ECS3362 Large-signal circuits                  4      ECS3311, ECS3361                
          ECS3392 Management II                          3                                      
          MAT3910 Integral transforms and calculus       3      MAT2910, MAT2920                
          of variations                                                                         
          Of the remaining ten credit points, at                                                
          least eight must be obtained in computer                                              
          science elective subjects. (It is                                                     
          recommended that students take CSC3161                                                
          (4 cp).) The remaining two points may be                                              
          obtained in subjects selected from                                                    
          computer science or general elective                                                  
          Computer science elective subjects                                                    
          CSC3030 Programming paradigms                  4                                      
          CSC3050 Advanced theory of computation         4                                      
          CSC3070 Simulation and queuing theory          4      CSC2070                         
          CSC3080 Software engineering II                4                                      
          CSC3091** Artificial intelligence I            4                                      
          CSC3130* Computer graphics                     4                                      
          CSC3140# Image processing                      4                                      
          CSC3151 Systems analysis and design            4                                      
          CSC3161 Database management systems            4                                      
          CSC3170 Compilers                              4                                      
          CSC3191 Third-year topics in computer          4                                      
          CSC3200 Machine learning                       4                                      
          No third-year subject may be taken until                                              
          the second-year core material of                                                      
          CSC2010, CSC2030, CSC2040 and CSC2050                                                 
          has been completed successfully.                                                      
          General elective subjects                                                             
          MAT3920 Statistical methods                    3      MAT2910                         
          ECS3341 Information transmission               4      ECS2340 P1, MAT3910   ECS3312,  
          ECS3342 Switching and signalling               4      ECS2340 P1                      
          ECS3363 Introduction to VLSI systems           3      ECS2371                         
          ECS3372 Advanced computer architectures        3      CSC2010                         
          ECS3382* Interactive computer graphics         3      Level two                       
          ECS3383# Computer image processing and         3      Level two                       
          pattern recognition                                   substantially                   
          ECS3384** Introduction to expert systems       3      Level two                       
          and applications                                      substantially                   
          * Students cannot gain credit for both                                                
          CSC3130 and ECS3382. 
          # Students cannot                                               
          gain credit for both CSC3140 and                                                      
          ** Students cannot gain credit                                               
          for both CSC3091 and ECS3384.                                                         
Level 4   Core subjects                                                                         
          ECS4392 Thesis project BCSE I##               16      Level three                     
          ECS4397 Thesis project BCSE##
          ## Students are required to complete          16      Level three                     
          either ECS4397.16 or ECS4392.16                       substantially                   
          and would normally enrol in ECS4397.16.               complete                        
          Those students intending to do their thesis                                              
          in first semester only in order to complete                                              
          their degree at the end of first                                                      
          semester should enrol in ECS4392.16.                                                  
          ECS4373 Computer systems engineering V         4      ECS2371                         
          ECS4393 Management III                         3                                      
          For candidates with an honours average                                   
          of 65% or more:
          CSC4030 Computer science                       16     As applicable                            
          For other candidates:
          Either four computer science level-three
          subjects (4 cp each)                      
          or three computer science                                                    
          level-three subjects (4 cp each) and                                                  
          CSC4131 Computer science honours                4     As applicable                              
          unit (semester 1) or:
          CSC4132 Computer science honours                4     As applicable                               
          unit (semester 2)                                                     
          Elective subjects                                                                     
          At least nine credit points from any                                                  
          general elective at level three that has                                              
          not already been taken, or:                                                           
          ECS4313 Signal processing                      4      ECS3312, MAT3910                
          ECS4332 Modern control systems                 4      ECS3311, ECS3331      ECS3312   
          ECS4364 Feedback amplifiers                    4      ECS3312, ECS3331,               
          ECS4367 Electronic systems and components      4      ECS3362                         
          ECS4374 Computer systems design                3      ECS4373                         
          ECS4378 Neural computing                       3      Level 2                         
          ECS4379 Object oriented programming and        3      CSC2040                         
          ECS4387 Computer vision and robotics           3      Level 2                         
          ENG4611 Schools technology studies             3      Level-3 core                    
          project                                               subjects                        
          Interfaculty subject                           3                                      

          Requirements for the degree of BCSE The                                               
          student requires 194 credit points for                                                
          the degree.                                                                           

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