Business & Economics Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



  1. Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business double degree on campus or by distance education - BA/BBus
  2. Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Computing double degree - BBus/BComp
  3. Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Business double degree on campus and by distance education - BE/BBus
  4. Bachelor of Business (Honours) - Gippsland - BBus(Hons)Gipp

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business double degree on campus or by distance education - BA/BBus

Course code: SBHBDG

Course director: Professor Stewart Marshall


On completion of this course students will:

+ have combined studies in the humanities and social sciences with a vocational and professional element by taking additional studies drawn from the major business disciplines;

+ have acquired the depth and breadth of knowledge and skills to facilitate an administrative career in social welfare, education, the media professions and public administration; or

+ have broadened their understanding of business disciplines by combining studies in the humanities and social sciences with major studies in business. This has particular relevance for students undertaking major studies in economics, management, tourism and marketing.

Course structure

The various components leading to the award of the degrees are defined in terms of disciplines, interdisciplinary programs, subjects and sequences. A discipline is a distinct area of study in which a major can be taken. An interdisciplinary program is a distinct area of study comprising subjects from more than one discipline. A subject is a prescribed amount of work extending over a semester at a certain year level within a discipline or interdisciplinary program.

The disciplines from which students may select subjects for inclusion in the double degree are those taught by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and those taught by the School of Business and Electronic Commerce*.

* Subject to final university approval.

Major and minor sequences

Major, minor/submajor and first-year sequences may be completed within the following disciplines:

(a) humanities and social sciences disciplinary majors or minors - English, gender studies, history/politics, Indonesian, mass communications, sociology and writing (subject to approval);

(b) humanities and social sciences disciplinary and interdisciplinary minors - Australian studies; community studies; journalism;

(c) business disciplinary majors or submajors - economics; management; marketing; tourism management; accounting;

(d) business disciplinary and interdisciplinary submajor - computing; law

(e) business specialisations - local government; banking and finance.

Students should be aware that they may include subjects from other disciplines for credit towards the Bachelor of Arts. Currently these subjects include GSC1301 (Welfare issues), GSC1801 (Introduction to Koorie society) and GSC2806 (Koorie archaeology), GSC1611 (Understanding university learning), GSC1601 (Basic statistics and computing for social sciences), GSC1602 (Introduction to methods of social research).

A first-year sequence is a pair of first-level subjects which form the first part of a major or minor sequence.

A minor sequence or submajor shall require four subjects of study and will normally comprise two successive parts, being either a first-year sequence followed by two second-level subjects, or two second-level subjects followed by two third-level subjects.

A major sequence in arts disciplines shall normally comprise three successive parts to include a minimum of fifty-two and a maximum of seventy-six points. Normally a major will include a first-level sequence totalling two subjects and such second and third-level subjects as are prescribed in the outline of studies to complete the remaining forty to sixty-four points.

A major sequence in business disciplines shall normally comprise three successive parts to include thirty-six points. Normally a major will include a first-level sequence and such second and third-level subjects as are prescribed in the outline of studies to complete the major.

A candidate for the double degree must fulfil the following requirements to receive the award of Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Business:

(a) complete at least 192 but not more that 216 points;

(b) complete at least one major sequence and one minor sequence from disciplines offered by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. A major will comprise a minimum of fifty-two points and may include a maximum of seventy-six points. Normally the first two subjects of a major will be a first-level sequence and the remaining subjects will be taken from levels two and three;

(c) complete the prescribed core and at least two major sequences from the School of Business and Electronic Commerce*. A major will comprise six subjects (thirty-six points). Normally the first two subjects of a major will be a first-level sequence and the remaining four subjects will be taken from levels two and three;

(d) undertake additional subjects to complete the 192 points needed for the degrees.

The course of study is normally a minimum of four years full-time or eight years part-time or by distance education, and normally cannot extend beyond eleven years.

* Subject to final university approval.

Entry requirements

Applicants should have fulfilled appropriate entry criteria for either the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Business. All applicants should be willing to undertake a normal workload of eight subjects a year full-time or four subjects a year part-time or by distance education.

Further inquiries

Information on this course may be obtained by contacting the School of Business and Electronic Commerce+ telephone (03) 9902 6380 or (051) 226 380. For more specific details on the course, contact the course advisers, telephone (03) 9902 6642 or (051) 226 642.

Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Computing double degree - BBus/BComp

Course code: BBBC

Course director: to be advised

This double degree course is designed to enable graduates to pursue a computing career in areas requiring a strong business and commercial background, or a career in one of the business discipline areas supported by commercially relevant professional computing skills.

The course is directed towards intending students whose career goals are in line with the above objectives, and who combine ability with high motivation.

Entry requirements

Normal Monash entry requirements of the VCE or an equivalent qualification apply. Successful applicants will have above average results, with a grade average of at least C in English, and at least a D in an area of mathematics. Students who have completed the first year of the Bachelor of Business or the Bachelor of Computing with good academic results may be admitted to the second year of the double degree with full credit for appropriate first-year studies.

Course structure

The course involves four years of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study by distance education. Students complete a total of thirty-two subjects (at least 192 credit points), comprising:

+ a sixteen-subject business sequence

+ a sixteen-subject system development sequence.

The two sequences must meet the following requirements:

Business sequence

Completion of the following seven core subjects:

+ GBU1001 Introductory accounting A

+ GBU1101 Introduction to economics

+ GBU1201 Introduction to business law

+ GBU1302 Management theory and functions

+ GBU1401 Introduction to marketing

+ GAS1751 Quantitative methods

+ GCO1815 Computer technology

plus either

(a) completion of two business major sequences of six subjects (but including one subject from the core above) selected from: accounting, economics, marketing and management: or

(b) completion of one business major sequences of six subjects drawn from the strands in (a) above, combined with two sub-major sequences each of four subjects (but including one subject from the core above) drawn from: accounting, economics, marketing and management, business computing and law.

System development sequence

First level

+ GCO1063 Human communications

+ GCO1811 Computing programming 1

+ GCO1812 Computer programming

+ GCO1813 Information systems 1

+ GAS1614 Discrete mathematics

Second level

+ GCO2811 Commercial programming

+ GCO2812 Computer organisation

+ GCO2813 Information systems 2

+ GCO2814 Operating systems

+ GCO2815 Database management systems

+ GCO2817 Computer programming 3

Third level

+ GCO3812 Software engineering

+ GCO3819 Computing project

plus three subjects selected from:

+ GCO3812 Data communications

+ GCO3813 Systems programming

+ GCO3814 Human computer interaction

+ GCO3815 Artificial intelligence

+ GCO3816 Information systems 3

+ GCO3817 Computer graphics

Further inquiries

+ Information on this course may be obtained by contacting the School of Business and Electronic Commerce* telephone (03) 9902 6380 or (051) 226 380.

* Subject to final university approval.

Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Business double degree on campus and by distance education - BE/BBus

Course code: BBEBDG

Course director: Mr Keith Enders

The course

The course involves five years of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time or distance education.


On completion of this course students will:

+ be qualified to work at a professional/managerial level in an engineering oriented environment in which modern business techniques are required, or in a business environment in which an engineering background is an advantage;

+ have acquired the depth and breadth of skills to enable them to contribute significantly to Australia's technological advancement reflected in a more internationally competitive manufacturing and business sector.

Entrance requirements

The general entrance requirements for admission to degree courses will apply to this course.

Entry is normally via VTAC and students may complete the first year of either a Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Business degree before starting the double degree. An average result of C (credit) is required in the first year of study.

Students for this course will be selected taking into account their academic results at Year 12 level or equivalent, including a requirement for a high level of performance in English, Mathematics and Science, meeting Bachelor of Engineering requirements. A high level of motivation to undertake this combined course will also be a requirement. Mature-aged students who have demonstrated high academic ability and a strong desire to undertake this course may also be selected.

Students who have completed first year of the Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Business or a similar course at another institution, and have demonstrated high academic ability and high motivation, may also be admitted to second-year programs of this combined course, generally with full credit for appropriate first-year studies.

Course structure

Students must complete subjects that achieve a minimum of 252 credit points. The subjects are chosen from a selected engineering discipline and business major and submajor studies with specified core subjects and approved electives.

The course structure will include the following:

(a) The common first-year engineering or first-year business followed by the selection of one of the engineering disciplines: civil, electro-mechanical, electronic and computer or mechanical.

(b) (i) Accounting, economics, management and marketing; or (ii) One major study sequence of six subjects of credit from strands in (b) (i) above, combined with two submajor study sequences each of four subjects or credit from strands in (b) (i) above or which form submajors in computing or business law.

(c) Completion of the seven compulsory business core subjects as specified for the Bachelor of Business degree or appropriate substitution subjects as directed or approved by the head of the School of Business and Electronic Commerce# such that a minimum of 252 credit points will comprise the double degree and meet the previously accredited requirements for each separate degree.

Completion of the program in the minimum time will require careful course planning. Course advisers in the School of Business and Electronic Commerce# and the Gippsland School of Engineering should be consulted for advice.

# Subject to final university approval.

Bachelor of Business (Honours) - Gippsland - BBus(Hons)Gipp

Course code: BHBUDG

Course director: Associate Professor Bill Battersby

The course

This one year full time course has been especially designed to offer selected students the opportunity for advanced study in one of the specialist business areas offered by the departments of the Faculty of Business and Economics and to teach students how to conduct business related research at an advanced level.

The honours course is conducted at the Caulfield, Gippsland and Peninsula campuses, and is of one year's full-time duration.


The course aims to provide a fourth year tertiary level of study for students seeking to widen their knowledge in one of the specialist business areas offered by the faculty. This further specialisation also provides a competitive edge in the job market.

It also aims to expose students to both the substantial theory and practice of business related research so that they are prepared for future higher degree research.

Course structure

Students may elect to undertake honours studies at Gippsland in the areas of accounting, economics, management or marketing. The banking and finance specialisation which is offered on the Caulfield and Peninsula campuses is not available at Gippsland.

The course involves one year of full-time study, and is offered on-campus only.

Students are required to complete subjects totalling forty-eight credit points, as follows:

+ GBU4600 Business research methods (12 credit points)

+ GBU4610 Research project and report (24 credit points)

+ plus two advanced subjects from the selected specialist area in accounting, economics, management or marketing (six credit points each). These specialist subjects are:


+ GBU4013 Advanced financial accounting

+ GBU4014 Advanced management accounting


+ GBU4113 Regional economics

+ GBU4114 Theory and practice of economic reforms


+ GBU4320 Contemporary issues in management

+ GBU4321 Business consulting


+ GBU4411 Advanced marketing

+ GBU4412 Developing a marketing orientation

Admission requirements

(i) A candidate for the honours degree will have completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Business or any combined degree program which includes a major study in one specialised area of business (accounting, economics, management or marketing) at Monash University or obtained an equivalent degree from an equivalent University or Institute.

(ii) Candidates should normally have obtained a minimum average credit grade over levels two and three of the undergraduate degree in the specialised area of business subjects.

(iii) Applications must include legally certified copies of entry qualifications.

Time commitment

The business research methods subject requires six hours of formal class work per week over the first semester. The substantive area of specialisation (accounting, economics, management or marketing) requires a further three hours of formal class work per week over each semester of the honours year. The research report requires an equivalent further six hours per week. Thus the total formal time commitment is fifteen hours per week, for the first semester and twelve hours per week for the second semester. Students should be prepared to devote approximately double that amount of time (ie thirty hours) to private study.


The course is subject to the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). An additional fee will also apply for amenities and library services.

Further inquiries

Application forms for course admission and further information may be obtained from the School of Business and Electronic Commerce# office by telephoning (051) 226 380, (03) 9902 6380 or fax (051) 226 524, (03) 9902 6524. Application forms should be forwarded to the manager, student administration, Monash University, Gippsland campus, Churchill, Victoria 3842.

# Subject to final university approval.

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