Faculty of Business and Economics
This unit entry is for students who completed this unit in 2016 only. For students planning to study the unit, please refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course or area of study.
Refer to the specific census and withdrawal dates for the semester(s) in which this unit is offered.
Organisational Unit
Department of Banking and Finance
Not offered in 2016
This unit considers characteristics of property investment, valuation of real estate assets, real estate market analysis, the demand and supply of built space, property cycles and the economy, measurement of risk and return, indices and pricing models, the use of leverage and taxation, the analysis of commercial leases, the role of property in mixed asset portfolios, listed and unlisted property trusts, mortgage funds and the use of real options.
The learning goals associated with this unit are to:
Within semester assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled activities. The unit requires on average three/four hours of scheduled activities per week. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online engagement.
See also Unit timetable information
Students must be enrolled in one of the following courses to undertake this unit: 3818, 3850 or 4412.