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Students who commenced study in 2016 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

Monash University

Undergraduate - Course

Commencement year

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2016 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Course code


Credit points


Abbreviated title




Managing faculty

Business and Economics

Admission and fees

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Course type

Single degree

Standard duration

3 years FT, 6 years PT

Students have a maximum of eight years to complete this course including any periods of intermission.

Mode and location

On-campus (Berwick)


Bachelor of Business Administration


The focus of this course is business administration. It is a practical course, blending theoretical frameworks with practical applications. It is designed to provide you with high-level skills in the general field of business administration, in addition to expertise in one of the following specialisations:

  • Accountancy
  • Finance and economics
  • Marketing practice.

The career options available to you will depend upon the specialisation you choose, however, graduates may find roles as business development managers, investment and portfolio managers, financial and money market traders, or in accounting or marketing roles. Business administration graduates can expect to be employed around the world, in government organisations, small businesses, multinational corporations or boutique organisations.

The first year of the course provides students with the background necessary for academic success and enables them to make an appropriate choice of specialisation. The second year introduces students to the application of knowledge in the chosen specialisation.

The ability to think clearly and analytically, and to apply concepts that relate to specific business contexts, is developed throughout the students' coursework, but particularly in the business strategy core unit in third year.


These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 7, the Bologna Cycle 1 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 7, the Bologna Cycle 1 and Monash Graduate Attributes (

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:

  1. be a critical and creative scholar who:
    • produces innovative solutions to problems
    • applies research skills to business challenges
    • communicates effectively and perceptively
  2. be a responsible and effective global citizen who:
    • engages in an internationalised world
    • exhibits cross cultural competence
    • demonstrates ethical values
  3. demonstrate broad knowledge and technical skills in your area of specialisation and provide discipline based solutions relevant to the business, professional and public policy communities that you serve. In particular:
    • Accountancy graduates will be able to integrate, and critically apply, theoretical and technical accounting knowledge and skills to solve routine accounting problems
    • Finance and economics graduates will have well developed capacity to integrate and synthesise knowledge from across economics and finance disciplines to create innovative solutions for business decision making
    • Marketing practice graduates will have the ability to utilise knowledge of marketing tools and techniques in a wide variety of business contexts
  4. be a job-ready, independent learner who is equipped to implement sound, evidence-based and discipline-specific business practice.


The course develops through the themes of foundation business knowledge, specialist discipline knowledge, business practice, and in addition includes free elective study.

Part A. Foundation business knowledge

These units provide a broad study of the core business disciplines and the impact they have on multi-discipline decision making in organisations. The units will cover the various business disciplines and consider their impact on the business, professional and public policy communities.

Part B. Specialist discipline knowledge

These units will help you to be a critical and creative professional, able to apply your knowledge of a specialised area to provide discipline based solutions in business. Units contained within the discipline specialisation may meet the requirements for professional accreditation bodies.

Part C. Business practice

The capstone experience is a multidisciplinary unit designed to simulate the business environment where students from all specialisations work together on an industry specific project.

Part D. Free elective study

Electives will enable you to further develop knowledge of your specialisation, or business more broadly, or alternatively to select any units from across the faculty or the University (in which you are eligible to enrol) including completing a minor from a comprehensive course.


The course comprises 144 points, of which 120 points are focussed on business study and 24 points are electives.

The course develops through theme studies in: A Foundation business, B. Specialist discipline knowledge, and C. Business practice.

In choosing your units, you must ensure that you complete no more than 10 level 1 units (60 points) and that you complete at least six units (36 points) at level 3 of which at least 24 points must be from those offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Berwick campus.

The course progression mapcourse progression map ( will assist you to plan to meet the course requirements, and guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

Units are six points unless otherwise specified.

Part A,C. Foundation business knowledge and business practice capstone (60 points)

All students complete:

* Capstone unit.

Part B. Specialist discipline knowledge (60 points)

Students complete the requirements for one of the following specialisations:

D. Free elective study (24 points)

Elective units may be chosen from the Faculty of Business and Economics or across the University as long as you have the prerequisites and there are no restrictions on enrolment in the units. Enrolment in Business and Economics units at campuses other than your campus of enrolment is subject to there being spare capacity after students from that campus have enrolled. You should also be aware of travel and timetabling limitations.

As part of your elective choice students seeking accreditation with any professional body should refer to the Faculty Professional recognition pageFaculty Professional recognition page ( to determine the requirements.