
index-byadmin category-arts

Monash University

Units indexed by Admin category (staff only): Faculty of Arts

  • AEH1001 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH1002 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH1003 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH1004 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH2001 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH2002 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH2003 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH2004 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH3001 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH3002 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH3003 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH3004 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH4001 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH4002 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH4003 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH4004 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH4005 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH4006 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5001 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5002 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5003 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5004 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5005 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5006 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5007 Arts exchange unit
  • AEH5008 Arts exchange unit
  • APG4126 Language exchange program
  • APG4127 Language exchange program
  • APG4440 European exchange program A
  • APG4441 European exchange program B
  • APG5441 European exchange program B
  • ARU0010 Research in anthropology
  • ARU0020 Research in applied Japanese linguistics
  • ARU0030 Research in archaeology and ancient history
  • ARU0035 Research in arts at Monash Malaysia
  • ARU0040 Research in Asian studies
  • ARU0050 Research in Australian art
  • ARU0058 Research in Australian Indigenous archaeology
  • ARU0060 Research in Australian Indigenous studies
  • ARU0070 Research in Australian studies
  • ARU0075 Research in behavioural studies
  • ARU0080 Research in bioethics
  • ARU0085 Research in biological sciences
  • ARU0090 Research in Chinese studies
  • ARU0095 Research in classical studies
  • ARU0097 Research in communications and media studies
  • ARU0098 Research in Communications and Media Studies (MSA)
  • ARU0100 Research in communications, writing and public relations (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0110 Research in comparative literature and cultural studies
  • ARU0115 Research in creative writing
  • ARU0118 Research in Criminal Justice (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0119 Research in Criminal Justice and Criminology (MSA)
  • ARU0120 Research in criminology
  • ARU0130 Research in critical theory
  • ARU0137 Development and governance
  • ARU0140 Research in international development
  • ARU0141 Research in International Studies (MSA)
  • ARU0150 Research in drama and theatre studies
  • ARU0160 Research in English
  • ARU0162 Research in English as an international language
  • ARU0170 Research in environmental science
  • ARU0180 Research in European studies & EU
  • ARU0185 Research in film and television studies
  • ARU0190 Research in French studies
  • ARU0200 Research in gallery and museum studies
  • ARU0210 Research in human geography
  • ARU0211 Research in human geography (SPS)
  • ARU0215 Research in geographic information systems
  • ARU0216 Research in Geography and Environmental Studies (MSA)
  • ARU0220 Research in German studies
  • ARU0230 Research in Greek studies
  • ARU0240 Research in Spanish & Latin America
  • ARU0250 Research in history
  • ARU0252 Research in history and politics (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0260 Research in humanities, communications and social sciences
  • ARU0268 Research in Indigenous studies (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0270 Research in Indonesian studies
  • ARU0274 Research in integrated water management (MSA)
  • ARU0276 Research in international health and nutrition
  • ARU0280 Research in international relations
  • ARU0290 Research in Italian studies
  • ARU0300 Research in Japanese studies
  • ARU0303 Research in Jewish studies
  • ARU0307 Research in journalism
  • ARU0308 Research in journalism (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0310 Research in Korean studies
  • ARU0320 Research in linguistics
  • ARU0330 Research in musicology
  • ARU0340 Research in music composition
  • ARU0350 Research in music performance
  • ARU0360 Research in philosophy
  • ARU0361 Research in Philosophy (MSA)
  • ARU0365 Research in physical geography
  • ARU0370 Research in politics
  • ARU0378 Research in psychological studies (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0379 Research in Psychology (MSA)
  • ARU0380 Research in publishing
  • ARU0387 Research in regional climatology
  • ARU0390 Research in religion and theology
  • ARU0400 Research in Slavic studies
  • ARU0418 Research in social & community welfare (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0420 Research in sociology
  • ARU0421 Research in sociology & social research (HUMCASS)
  • ARU0422 Research in Sociology (MSA)
  • ARU0425 Research in sustainability, environment & society
  • ARU0428 Research in theatre performance
  • ARU0430 Research in tourism
  • ARU0435 Research in translation studies
  • ARU0438 Research in Ukranian studies
  • ARU0440 Research in visual culture
  • ARU0450 Research in women's studies
  • ATS2131 LLCL Language exchange 2A
  • ATS2132 LLCL Language exchange 2B
  • ATS2133 LLCL language exchange 2C
  • ATS2134 LLCL language exchange 2D
  • ATS2526 European studies in Europe - Part A
  • ATS2527 European studies in Europe - Part B
  • ATS3131 LLCL language exchange 3A
  • ATS3132 LLCL language exchange 3B
  • ATS3133 LLCL language exchange 3C
  • ATS3134 LLCL Language exchange 3D
  • ATS3526 European studies in Europe - Part A
  • ATS3527 European studies in Europe - Part B
  • ATS4131 LLCL language study abroad 1 (Honours)
  • ATS4132 LLCL language study abroad 2 (honours)