

Monash University

Postgraduate - Course

Students who commenced study in 2013 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

print version

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2013 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Arts

Managing facultyArts
Abbreviated titlePhD (Journalism)
CRICOS code077804E
Total credit points required192
Standard duration of study (years)4 years FT, 8 years PT
Study mode and locationOn-campus (Caulfield)
Off-campus (Caulfield)
Admission, fee and application details
Contact details;


  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.


Candidature in a Doctor of Philosophy involves the independent investigation of a research problem that has been formulated by the candidate. It is expected that the research undertaken will make a significant contribution to the discipline in which the candidate is enrolled. Doctoral candidates are supported by a minimum of two supervisors throughout their candidature.

Candidates are required to complete a compulsory program of coursework and training. These discipline-specific programs are designed to impart skills and knowledge that will assist candidates to conduct their research.


Successful completion of the program will signify that the holder has completed a course of postgraduate training in research under proper academic supervision and has submitted a thesis that the examiners have declared to be a significant contribution to knowledge and which demonstrates the candidate's capacity to carry out independent research.

Candidature rules

For all candidature rules and other important information for PhD candidates refer to the Handbook for Doctoral DegreesHandbook for Doctoral Degrees (


This course consists of:

  • a research and thesis component
  • if enrolled as an on-campus student at Caulfield campus, a coursework study and training program.

Areas of study


Candidates must, in consultation with and under the direct supervision of a member/s of the academic staff:

(a.) carry out a program of research on an agreed topic approved by the school or department of enrolment in the candidate's chosen discipline for a specified period, including attending and/or presenting at seminars and other related activities as indicated by the relevant department/school

(b.) submit for assessment a major piece of original journalistic research together with an exegesis (critical commentary) of not more than 100,000 words on the program of research which meets the requirements of the examiners. The research component should be no less than 50,000 words or equivalent and the exegesis no less than 25,000 words.

The materials submitted for assessment should embody evidence of the candidate's research methodologies and achievements at the required level. The project:

  • may be produced in any publication medium appropriate to the content, including print, video, radio, digital multimedia and exhibition; there is considerable flexibility and scope for innovation in the design of the form and content of the journalism project and candidates should liaise closely with the proposed supervisory team to formulate a rigorous and original project
  • must be of a scale/length/duration that would normally be produced and published within the approved medium as an outcome of two year's full-time work, e.g. a feature-length (70-90 minutes) film/video documentary where the candidate is researcher and writer and director; a non-fiction book of 50,000 - 80,000 words; a series of six thematically related 45-minute video documentaries where the candidate is researcher, journalist and interviewer/presenter as part of a larger television production team; or a series of ten 50-60 minute radio documentaries researched, produced and presented by the candidate.

The exegesis should demonstrate how the professional/creative component contributes to scholarly knowledge in the field. It should address contextual, methodological and/or theoretical issues related to the themes or issues explored in the journalism project. It should demonstrate that the candidate has acquired the ability to research and contribute to journalism studies, and should be between 25,000-35,000 words.

(c.) if enrolled as an on-campus student at Caulfied campus, or an external candidate approved to participate in the program, satisfactorily complete a program of coursework study and training as outlined under 'Areas of study'.

Candidates must pass all coursework units. If a candidate fails a coursework component of their degree, they can repeat the relevant unit once in a later semester. Candidates who fail to pass the repeat attempt of the unit will be subject to a termination process under the Candidature Progress Management RegulationsCandidature Progress Management Regulations ( (refer also to the Candidature Progress Management policypolicy ( and proceduresprocedures (


Doctor of Philosophy (Journalism)