

Monash University

Postgraduate - Area of study

Students who commenced study in 2013 should refer to this area of study entry for direction on the requirments; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your area of study.

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Managing facultyFaculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.


Wound care is the study of wounds and their effective management. Wound care promotes wound healing while preventing complications. It includes the identification of best available evidence and its application to daily clinical practice.


For the schedule of units required to complete a given course in this area of study, refer to the Handbook entry for the relevant course.

Relevant courses

  • 2982 Graduate Certificate in Wound Care
  • 2984 Graduate Diploma in Wound Care
  • 3460 Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice (Internship)
  • 3468 Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice
  • 3467 Master of Pharmacy Practice