

Monash University

Undergraduate - Area of study

Students who commenced study in 2013 should refer to this area of study entry for direction on the requirments; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your area of study.

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This area of study entry applies to students commencing this course in 2013 and should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook. Any units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the Faculty of Arts component of any bachelors double degrees.

Managing facultyFaculty of Arts
Campus(es)Caulfield, Clayton


  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.
  • Only selected units are available at each campus, check the unit entries for campus offerings.


Academic and professional development is a suite of elective undergraduate units (for credit) which offer strategies for successful learning, communication and professional life. Professional people need to be powerful and effective communicators and thinkers. They need the ability to formulate and demonstrate clear, well-organised ideas in writing, speaking and all modes of presentation. Critical thinking underpins all these activities and is highly valued by employers.

Through the cultivation of academic techniques of writing and research, critical thinking and use of language as well as career planning and development, these academic and professional development units advance the student's intellectual development within and beyond the university. The units are offered by the Arts Academic Language and Learning Unit (AALLU) ( and associated staff from other departments and units. They are available as electives for all students, international and domestic, across all faculties, majors and disciplines. Students should check with their faculty or course administrator to find out if these electives can be added to their program.


Fist year level

Second and third-year level