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6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSLRefer to the specific census and withdrawal dates for the semester(s) in which this unit is offered.
Notes Previously coded PHL3040 SynopsisThis unit introduces students to the major 'world religions': Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The unit explores these religions by looking at their historical development, basic ideas, practices and sacred texts. In addition, students are introduced to the philosophical examination of these religions, where this involves the critical analysis and evaluation of the concepts and doctrines that have played a central role in each religion. Possible topics to be covered include revelation, conceptions of divinity, evil and suffering, afterlife and liberation, faith and reason, karma and moral responsibility, and inter-religious dialogue Objectives
The objectives of this unit are:
Assignment 1 (2500 words): 40% Chief examiner(s)Contact hoursTwo weeks each of three 2-hour lectures and three 2-hour tutorials This unit applies to the following area(s) of studyAdditional information on this unit is available from the faculty at:http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/philosophy/ugrad/units/phl3040.php |