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6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSLRefer to the specific census and withdrawal dates for the semester(s) in which this unit is offered.
Notes Previously coded CHI3903 SynopsisThis unit is offered in China as part of the Chinese Incountry Program. It continues the overview of the important sentence structures of modern standard Chinese begun in Chinese 1 and 2. Equal emphasis is placed on the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Speaking classes cover practical, everyday situations, to develop interactive competence at a basic level in a range of situations likely to be encountered in daily life in contemporary China. Objectives
Upon successful completion of this unit students will have acquired:
Written work: 20% Chief examiner(s)Off-campus attendance requirements60 hours over three weeks This unit applies to the following area(s) of studyPrerequisitesChinese 2 language level proficiency or by permission ProhibitionsATS1003, ATS1023, ATS2003, ATS2023, APG4003, APG4023, APG5003, APG5023 |