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6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSLRefer to the specific census and withdrawal dates for the semester(s) in which this unit is offered.
Notes Previously coded GND1010 SynopsisDoes gender matter? How do ideas about sex and gender shape important questions in our society? How are social, political and economic structures affected by conventional notions about femininity and masculinity? This unit introduces the interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies and engages students in a series of critical debates concerning sex and citizenship; gender and the law; work and employment; and media and advertising. A range of critical and analytic approaches to contemporary social questions will be introduced and some key contemporary gender debates will be selected for close analysis and problem-based learning. Objectives
Students successfully completing this unit will:
Research skills exercise (equiv 1000 words): 20% Chief examiner(s)This unit applies to the following area(s) of study |