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24 points, SCA Band 1, 0.500 EFTSLRefer to the specific census and withdrawal dates for the semester(s) in which this unit is offered.
Notes Previously coded JRM5950 SynopsisStudents produce an original piece of supervised interdisciplinary research in Journalism and Australian Studies, the specific topic to be agreed between the student and supervisor. The results of the research are to be produced in either a monograph of approximately 18,000 words, or alternatively as a very substantial piece of journalism (eg a one hour video documentary, a 12,000 words of investigative feature(s), a substantial website) accompanied by a 5,000 word scholarly exegesis. Enrolment in this unit requires the consent of the Heads of the Journalism Section and the National Centre for Australian Studies. Objectives
On satisfactory completion of this subject, students will be able to:
AssessmentResearch monograph (18,000 words) or substantial piece of journalism accompanied by a 5,000 word exegesis Contact hoursBy Supervision Prerequisites72pt in Master of Journalism and Australian Studies Prohibitions |