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This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
DescriptionThis course, offered by Department Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, provides a sound understanding of the theory and application of biostatistics relevant to professional practice. The degree will assist the acquisition of skills and experience in complex statistical analyses, identifying and implementing appropriate statistical methodology, communicating biostatistical results and understanding biostatistical literature. The course develops the technical skills for commencement in a professional career as a biostatistician. ObjectivesOn completion of this course, students will have:
AssessmentAssessment includes written assignments, practical exercises, examinations, portfolio and final report. StructureThis course comprises 10 core units and one elective unit RequirementsCore units
Elective unitsOne of: Progression to further studiesStudents who complete this course and achieve a distinction (70 per cent) average may qualify for admission into higher degrees by research (HDR) including course 3438 Master of Philosophy and 0047 Doctor of Philosophy, among others. Alternative exit(s)Students may exit this course with a Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics or Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics providing all requirements of that award have been met. Award(s)Master of Biostatistics