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All areas of study information should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook. The units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the Faculty of Science component of any bachelors double degrees.
DescriptionFood science involves the biological, physical and chemical aspects of food and its composition, beginning with harvesting, followed by preparation and ending with consumption. Food technology is the application of food science to the processing of biological materials into food products. The food science and technology major sequence of study enables students to develop an understanding of the fate of agricultural raw materials as they are processed and formulated before being presented to the consumer. It also provides students with an understanding of the technology of food including preservation, processing, packaging and distribution to ensure that the food is safe, nutritious, and wholesome. ObjectivesUpon completion of a major sequence in food science and technology, students will have:
UnitsSequence requirementsMinor sequence in food science and technologyMajor sequence in food science and technology
Double major sequence in food science and technology
Requirements for honours in food science and technology
Additional informationHonoursFull details regarding the course structure for honours in this area of study are outlined in course 0051 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science. Relevant Courses+ 3530 Bachelor of Science (Food Science and Technology)