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All areas of study information should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook. The units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the Faculty of Science component of any bachelors double degrees.
DescriptionGeography is concerned with the relationships between people and the natural environment, and includes 'physical' (eg landscape processes) and 'human' (eg cityscapes and population migration) geographies. It employs a variety of spatial and temporal techniques to understand these various landscapes, or components of them, and provide a basis for their rational management. The geography and environmental science sequence has been developed to suit local educational and vocational demands, but is otherwise fully representative of geography's international profile. Its goal is to develop a mature understanding of the following: the key characteristics of places; the complex interdependence of human activities; the roles of human agency in the transformation of the earth's surface; and the availability of a rich diversity of approaches to the accumulation of knowledge concerning the interrelationships of place, people and environment. The term 'environment' is employed at every level in the geography curriculum. It considers the following: the notion of ''natural' environments unaltered by human activity; human-modified environments representing profound alterations over vast areas of the globe and including, most notably, agricultural systems and rural settlement; and even more 'artificial' environments such as industrialised regions and urban areas. An appreciation of the importance of field and laboratory-based observations is required at all levels, especially in physical geography options. Computer techniques are considered highly relevant, from a minimum expectation of basic keyboard skills to the integration of sophisticated analytical methods in later segments of the program. ObjectivesOn completion of the sequence in geography and environmental science students will: (a.) have a mature understanding of the:
(b.) come to an appreciation of internal variations of landscape and activity within 'natural' environments, human-modified environments and 'artificial' environments such as industrialised regions and urban areas (c.) have developed the following capabilities:
UnitsLevel one
Level two
Level three
Sequence requirementsMinor sequence in geography and environmental science (24 points)Major sequence in geography and environmental science (48 points)
Some related sequences are also described in the Atmospheric science entry in this section of the Handbook. Note: Students in course 2340 Bachelor of Environmental Science (only) may substitute ENV1011 (Planet earth and its environment: The cosmic connection) and ENV1022 (Australian physical environments: Evolution, status and management) for level one GES units in any sequence in geography and environmental science. RecommendationsLevel oneCoordinator: Dr Haripriya Rangan (School of Geography and Environmental Science, Faculty of Arts) The primary objective of the syllabus of units at level one is to explore human impacts on the environment and to introduce key concepts in physical and human geography. No prior studies in geography are required to begin study at level one. A first-level sequence in geography consists of two semester units. In first semester, students enrol in GES1070. In second semester, they may choose either GES1020 or GES1050. Students planning a comprehensive introduction to geography may take all three units. Level twoCoordinator: Dr Jason Beringer (School of Geography and Environmental Science, Faculty of Arts) The syllabus at level two permits students to select from a variety of systematic sub-disciplines. The satisfactory completion of a minor sequence in geography equips students with an appreciation of the nature of the unit as a whole and with knowledge of the fundamental contents and approaches contained within one or both of its human and physical branches. Level threeCoordinator: Dr Stephen Legg (School of Geography and Environmental Science, Faculty of Arts) At level three, students elect to enrol in one or more of the main systematic fields which are intended to challenge them with appropriate advanced material and to intensify their familiarity with the purpose and practice of original research work. To obtain a major in geography, students would normally complete 24 points at level three. HonoursCoordinator: Dr Christian Kull (School of Geography and Environmental Science, Faculty of Arts) Students proceeding into the fourth year, or honours year, have the further opportunity to consolidate their understanding of an area (or areas) of specialisation, while pursuing a research topic under expert supervision. Mid-year entry is offered by the school, subject to the availability of places. Combined honours may be taken in the School of Geography and Environmental Science and another discipline, provided that all honours requirements have been met in both disciplines and subject to the approval of the heads of school. Full details regarding entrance requirements and course structure for honours is described in the course entry in this Handbook for the course 0051 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science.