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Handbooks Courses Units
Monash University

Master of Clinical Epidemiology

Course code: 2311 ~ Course abbreviation: MClinEpi ~ Total credit points required: 72 ~ 3 semesters full-time, 6 semesters part-time ~ Managing faculty: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Alfred Hospital, Melbourne)

Course description

This course, offered by the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, assists health professionals make rational evidence-based decisions in clinical practice and undertake small clinical research projects. Clinical epidemiology draws on epidemiological methods to answer clinical questions relevant to the daily practice of health care and to improve patient care. It focuses on individuals or groups of patients in clinical settings.

Course objectives

On completion of this course, students should be able to: demonstrate a detailed understanding of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics; become familiar with clinical research methodology, including randomised controlled trials; demonstrate an ability to critically appraise the quantitative epidemiological literature; appreciate the contribution of systematic reviews to evidence based practice; demonstrate an ability to apply the principles of clinical epidemiology to clinical practice; display a working knowledge of other applications of epidemiology; and develop a research protocol and undertake an epidemiological research project with a clinical focus.

Course structure

The course consists of four core units, plus either eight electives, or six electives together with a minor research project.

Course requirements

Core units

  • MPH1040 Introductory epidemiology
  • MPH1041 Introductory biostatistics
  • MPH2013 Research methods
  • MPH2083 Ethics, good research practice and practical research skills

Elective options

Option one
  • Eight electives
Option two
  • Five electives
  • Minor research project

Elective units

  • MPH2000 Regression methods for epidemiology
  • MPH2002 Clinical epidemiology
  • MPH2007 Chronic diseases: epidemiology and prevention
  • MPH2018 Infectious diseases: epidemiology and prevention
  • MPH2036 Clinical trials
  • MPH2037 Clinical measurement
  • MPH2039 Meta analysis and systematic reviews
  • MPH2056 Injury epidemiology and prevention
  • MPH2070 Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
  • MPH2074 Introduction to clinical research methods
  • Minor project (8,000 - 10,000 words)


Assessment includes written assignments, examinations, class participation and optional supervised research project.

Contact details

Postgraduate office: telephone +61 3 9903 0563; email or visit

Course coordinator

Professor Michael Abramson