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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Midwifery

Course code: 3562 + Course abbreviation: BMid + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years full-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Peninsula - F/T only)

Course description

The course offers an innovative curriculum that is sensitive to the changing educational needs of midwives, the health care industry and the community. It aims to prepare a competent midwife who can work in a variety of maternity settings to the full capacity of the internationally defined role and scope of practice of the midwife.

Course objectives

On completion of this course, graduates will be expected to: practice competently and confidently at a beginning level in a variety of maternity settings; practice which is evidence-informed; reflect attitudes which are congruent with the philosophy of valuing women, women-centred care, and woman-midwife partnership; work both as a primary carer and in collaboration with other healthcare professionals in providing comprehensive care through women's reproductive life; and achieve employment in a variety of maternity care settings.

Special requirements

Police checks

Organisations which host clinical placements require students to have obtained a police check regarding their suitability to undertake such placements. All enrolled and prospective students are advised that they will be required to obtain and pay for an annual police check prior to undertaking the clinical placements in their course.

Drug Administration Policy

Students should be aware of their legal position regarding the administration and storage of drugs. In addition, it is the policy of the campus that where drugs are required to be checked by two people prior to administration under the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Victoria), and Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 1995; the student and supervisor (clinical teacher or registered nurse) are considered as one person. Students should be aware of the drug administration policy relevant to the particular year of study.

Clinical Expenses

Students are responsible for all travel and accommodation expenses during clinical placement.

Uniforms and accessories are required for clinical placements and students will be notified regarding purchase arrangements upon commencement.

Vaccination Policy

It is required that students obtain proof of relevant vaccinations prior to clinical placements. Arrangements regarding serological screening and vaccination will be organised with the campus nurse on commencement.

Course structure

The clinical practice component of the course makes up fifty percent of the Bachelor of Midwifery, providing students with the opportunity to apply theory to practice under supervision. Students will be exposed during clinical practice to a wide variety of health agencies throughout Victoria.

In years two and three, clinical practice in midwifery units will involve students working a supernumerary 16 to 24 hours per week. Students will be rostered to work a mix of day, evening, weekend and night shifts. Attendance on clinical placement is mandatory for the clinical component of each unit. Clinical make-up for time missed will be arranged in consultation with the clinical coordinator on receipt of a medical certificate.

Students who do not achieve a satisfactory result in their knowledge and skill level will be denied access to the clinical placement linked to the theory and practice units involved.

A student may be withdrawn from a clinical practicum if required skills and knowledge are deemed unsafe, or on other grounds deemed appropriate by the head of school.

Students undertaking the Bachelor of Midwifery are selected into the honours degree (see the entry for the Honours degree of Bachelor of Midwifery under ‘Honours degrees’ later in this section of the handbook)at the completion of the second year. From year three, students undertaking the honours degree in midwifery will begin taking research units alongside their remaining midwifery units.

Course requirements

The following course requirements refer to the Bachelor of Midwifery course approved from 2007. Students enrolled prior to 2007 should consult the 2006 handbook for course requirements.

To qualify for the Bachelor of Midwifery, students must satisfactorily complete the following units:

First year
First semester
  • HSC1301 Human structure and function 1
  • MID1001 With childbearing woman
  • NUR1011 Professional Communication
  • NUR1101 Perspectives of Health and Wellness
Second semester
  • HSC1302 Human structure and function 2
  • MID1002 Making practice connections
  • MID1003 The childbearing journey
  • NUR1102 Health assessment in clinical practice
Second year
First semester
  • MID2005 With woman: rethinking pain (consortium unit NRSG216 – Australian Catholic University)
  • MID2006 Practice allegiances
  • MID2001 Evidence-based health care
  • NUR2003 Contexts of health care
Second semester
  • MID2102 Towards a midwife self
  • MID3107 Babies needing extra care (consortium unit to be advised)
  • MID3108 Working with babies
  • NUR1202 Legal issues and concepts
Third year
First semester
  • MID3103 Childbearing obstacles (consortium unit HNM7007 – Victoria University)
  • MID3104 Navigating childbearing obstacles
  • MID3105 Women’s health women’s business
  • Elective
Second semester
  • MID3201 Midwifery practice elective: contractual learning in an area of choice (elective) (eg rural and remote, level 2 nursery)
  • NUR2104 Mental Health Practice 1
  • Elective

Professional recognition

The Bachelor of Midwifery will be awarded on completion of the course and will lead to eligibility for registration with restricted practice (division 1) with the Nurses Board of Victoria.

Contact details

Telephone: +61 3 9904 4260, email: or visit

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