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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Master of Clinical Midwifery

Course code: 3565 + Course abbreviation: MClinMid + Total credit points required: 72 + 3 semesters full-time, 6 semesters part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus ( Peninsula)

Off-campus (Peninsula)

Course description

This course offered by the School of Nursing and Midwifery is designed to provide higher-degree studies to registered midwives. The options within this course will appeal to midwives seeking career advancement or Nurses Board of Victoria practitioner status for work in low-risk maternity and/or independent or specialist midwifery practice. It will also appeal to those interested in a pathway to undertaking higher research degrees. Students select either a coursework option or coursework with a minor research thesis.

Course objectives

On completion of the course graduates will be expected to: 1. engage with clinical practice with a highly developed ethic of woman-centred maternity service, respecting the rights, values and individuality of woman, her choices and abilities within the framework of partnership; 2. engage with the community in a manner likely to promote the role of midwifery, and encourage attitudes and behaviours that facilitate healthy reproduction and sexual health; 3. demonstrate personal and professional attributes for the enhancement of self and the midwifery profession; 4. become critical and reflective thinkers and decision-makers within a dynamic socio-political and economic healthcare environment; 5. incorporate the principles of lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to an ever changing environment; 6. clearly describe a broad range of research methodologies which may be used to investigate the discipline of midwifery; 7. demonstrate skills in undertaking research including planning, development and implementation of a research project under supervision; 8. identify clinical problems and utilise evidence-based practice models to research clinical problems; 9. undertake leadership roles in midwifery practice in a range of settings from community, rural, remote and regional centres as well as tertiary referral centres; and 10. demonstrate knowledge, skills and attributes necessary for collaborative practice in regional and referral centres, midwifery-led maternity services in a range of settings, and for development of peers and services within maternity units.

Credit for prior studies

Up to 48 points may be granted for completion of a Graduate Diploma of Midwifery from Monash University. Up to 24 points may be granted for a Graduate Certificate of Nursing from Monash University.

Course structure

This course can be taken as coursework only or a combination of coursework and a 36-point minor thesis. Students are encouraged to discuss the range of study options with the course coordinator, who will advise on individual programs of study. Units of study can be chosen from the following list:


  • MID9003 Midwifery and maternity in context
  • MID9004 Becoming a midwife
  • MID9005 Advancing midwifery practice (core unit)
  • GHS9841 Research methods and issues
  • NUR9202 Nursing informatics
  • NUR9204 Education in nursing and midwifery
  • NUR9208 Therapeutic medication management*

Candidates will not be eligible for the Master of Clinical Midwifery award without having completed a minimum of 36 points at masters level. Included within the 36 points, students must complete MID9005 (Advancing midwifery practice).

    * Nurses Board of Victoria requirement for nurse/midwife practitioner status.

Professional recognition

In order to be eligible for nurse/midwife practitioner status according to the Nurses Board of Victoria, students must have completed a pharmacology unit as part of their postgraduate studies, therefore students wishing to do this will need to successfully complete NUR9208 (Therapeutic medication management).

Contact details

Administrative officer (postgraduate): telephone: +61 3 9904 4156; fax: +61 3 9904 4655 or visit

Course coordinator

Ms Meredith McIntyre

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