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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Clayton School of Information Technology

The school is an internationally recognised centre of information technology, software engineering, and the application of IT in business, attracting high-quality students and world-class staff. The school covers a broad range of specialisations from the technical and scientific end of the computing spectrum to business intelligence. The undergraduate degree programs target both applied industry needs and formal computer science.

Discipline area: Business Systems

Research Programs

The Clayton School of Information Technology offers a range of research degrees from the Bachelor of Business Information Systems (Honours) to Master of Business Systems (Research) and PhDs – with a tradition of students progressing in their fields as they graduate from each qualification. Business Systems offers research projects in the following areas:

  • Business decision support systems
  • Business modelling – optimisation and simulation
  • Data mining
  • E-commerce systems
  • Financial, accounting and administrative systems
  • Logistics and scheduling

For further information on the school, visit or email

Discipline area: Computer Science and Software Engineering

Research programs

The school maintains modern teaching and research facilities and hosts a number of leading-edge demonstrator projects in its research laboratories. It enjoys a close partnership in research, development and research training with a number of IT&T companies, and a large number of R&D projects funded by government funding bodies and commercial organisations such as the Australian Research Council, NICTA, Australian Telecommunications and Electronic Board, Microsoft, Telstra and BHP. The school also conducts a number of cross-disciplinary research projects in collaboration with other faculties and external research institutions.

There are several major research groups at present in the school focusing on audiovisual information processing and digital communications, distributed systems and software engineering, optimisation and constraint-solving, and reasoning under uncertainty. Academic and research staff of the school also conduct research in digital systems hardware and architecture including embedded systems; logic and theory including logic programming, algorithms and computational complexity; combinatorial structures used in computing; information theory; inductive inference; visual human-computer interaction; electronic media art with emphasis on the creative meshing of art, science and technology, including computer graphics, rule-based modelling, sound synthesis, and electro-acoustic composition.

For further information, visit or email

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