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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Master of International Relations

Course code: 3093 + Course abbreviation: MIntRel + Total credit points required: 72 + 1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

The course explores the nature of the international political system and some of the key issues in contemporary international relations. Individual units deal with a range of topics including international security, regional politics, and theory.

Minimum pass grade

To graduate with the Masters, students must gain a credit (60 C) or above in core units and a minimum credit average overall.

Course structure

Students must complete 72 points, comprising 48 points (four units) at level 4 (including at least two core units) and 24 points at level 5. Units are worth 12 point sunless otherwise indicated.

For full-time students commencing in first semester, the following structure applies*:

Level 4

First semester

The following core unit:

  • PLM4600 Strategic studies: a critical introduction

and an elective or two electives selected from:

  • PLM4065 Advanced seminar in international political economy
  • PLM4930 South East Asian politics
  • PLM4290 China: the quest for modernisation
  • PLM4340 Fringe politics and extremist violence: an introduction to terrorism
  • PLM4750 Special reading course

Second semester

One of the following core units:

  • PLM4310 Wars of recognition: terrorism and political violence (12 points)
  • PLM4440 Global soul: consumers, citizens and rebels (12 points)

or one of the above core units and the following elective:

  • PLM4430 Political Islam (12 points)

Level 5

Complete either (a) or (b):

(a) two 12-point units:

  • PLM5520 Perspectives on world politics (12 points) or
  • PLM5070 Foreign aid and world development (12 points)
  • PLM5620 Research project (9000 words, 12 points)

(b) one 24-point unit:

  • PLM5000 Research dissertation in international relations (18,000 words, 24 points)

    * Part-time students should seek advice about selection of units from the course coordinator.

Exit points

There are no alternative exit points from this course.

Course coordinator

Dr Shahram Akbarzadeh

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