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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Postgraduate Diploma in Geographical Information Systems

Course code: 3052 + Course abbreviation: PGradDipGIS + Total credit points required: 48 + 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

This course seeks to provide education and training in recently adopted methods of digital spatial data handling, with special reference to thematic mapping relevant to the environmental and social sciences, planning, and facilities management. Students will learn how to test and derive information from a range of data products, including satellite images and data sets from public and commercial spatial data vendors. In addition, students are introduced to the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) run by NAVSTAR, undertake an analysis of the digital data behind satellite images and study spatial analysis using the vector and the raster data models. Application of knowledge gained is then tested and explored, which involves training in GIS project formulation and execution.

Course structure

Students complete the following 48 points:

  • GYM4920 GIS for environmental science (6 points)
  • GYM4610 GIS for social science applications (6 points)
  • GYM4600 Global positioning systems (GPS): applications in GIS (6 points)
  • GYM4620 Processing and deployment of image data in GIS (6 points)
  • GYM4650 GIS applications: project formulation and database assembly (12 points)
  • GYM4660 GIS applications: data integration and analysis project (12 points)

Exit points

After successful completion of 24 points, students may apply to exit with a Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems.


For further study options please contact the School of Geography and Environmental Science or visit

Course coordinator

Dr Xuan Zhu, Associate Professor Jim Peterson

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